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Why Trump

Why Trump

Uncategorized March 3, 2016 at 8:41 pm

Why is Donald Trump so popular among the average Patriotic, American, working man and woman and feared by the main stream old guard Republicans and Democrats both? The answer is simple! He’s just like you and me in so many ways and will make changes that are better for America,Read More

Cancer Screening Can Lower Death Rate

Community News March 3, 2016 at 8:34 pm

Six out of 10 Colorectal Cancer Deaths Could Be Prevented By Renae Kimble March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and the Cancer Services Program of Ni-agara County is urging everyone to talk to their doctor about screening and testing op-tions for colorectal cancer (also called colon cancer). Colorectal cancer isRead More

Print edition Mar 3

Print edition Mar 3

Online Newspaper March 3, 2016 at 12:05 pm
Multimillion dollar methadone clinic  to profit from human suffering here  

Multimillion dollar methadone clinic to profit from human suffering here  

Niagara Falls March 3, 2016 at 12:03 am

   There’s one thing about the people who run the poverty industry here in Niagara Falls. Whether they’re taking care of the homeless or battered women, generational welfare recipients who make up the majority of public housing residents or dope fiends seeking a daily fix of methadone, the providers ofRead More

Opposition to Walnut Ave. drug  clinic mounts amid political intrigue

Opposition to Walnut Ave. drug clinic mounts amid political intrigue

Niagara County March 2, 2016 at 11:57 pm

  Resistance is stiffening to a proposed methadone clinic – serving as many as 400 addicts – proposed by the not for profit Northpointe Council in the old school district administration building at Walnut Avenue and Sixth Street. State Rep. John Ceretto, retired City Court judge and state Assembly candidateRead More

1969: man on the moon, a dry waterfall and a whole lot more

1969: man on the moon, a dry waterfall and a whole lot more

Uncategorized March 2, 2016 at 11:53 pm

On July 20, 1969 man landed on the moon as United States astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface uttering those famous words, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” Back here on earth, in Niagara Falls, the US Army Corps of EngineersRead More

A Modest Suggestion for Change of Emblem for the National Security Agency

A Modest Suggestion for Change of Emblem for the National Security Agency

Uncategorized March 2, 2016 at 11:41 pm

  At the Niagara Falls Reporter, we seek to serve the interest of the people. And, as we reviewed our story, A Good American, this week, it occurred to us that we could serve both the people, and the government which purportedly is in existence to serve them, by offeringRead More

Hamister fails to open hotel in  Jamestown as well as Niagara Falls

Hamister fails to open hotel in Jamestown as well as Niagara Falls

Community News March 2, 2016 at 11:25 pm

   The fabulous resort location on Rainbow Boulevard North here isn’t the only hotel in Western New York that do-nothing developer Mark Hamister hasn’t built, h e’s also failed to build down in Jamestown, where a promised Double Tree Inn has likewise failed to materialize. It was on June 24,Read More

State Money Flows Again, But Question Remains: What Happened?

State Money Flows Again, But Question Remains: What Happened?

Erie County March 2, 2016 at 11:21 pm

  The carpenters, all 70 of them, are back on the job at SolarCity, but more than 120 plumbers were still out as of Tuesday as the state scrambled to make $82.5 million in late payments to contractors who hadn’t been paid since October on the much-hyped Buffalo Billion program.Read More

Panepinto Ready to Take on All Challengers for 60th District Seat

Panepinto Ready to Take on All Challengers for 60th District Seat

Erie County March 2, 2016 at 11:18 pm

State Sen. Marc Panepinto may face a Democratic primary in the 60th District this year and if he is victorious he will likely face a strong Republican challenge from the winner of an expected Republican primary between Erie County Clerk Chris Jacobs and Tonawanda attorney Kevin Stocker, but Panepinto isRead More

Some sex offenders follow trend, leave Niagara Falls for better life

Some sex offenders follow trend, leave Niagara Falls for better life

Niagara Falls March 2, 2016 at 11:15 pm

  As with so many other segments of the colorful tapestry that makes up the population of Niagara Falls, at least some of the city’s registered sex offenders appear to be packing up and leaving for greener pastures. According to the reference website, there are currently 166 registered sex offendersRead More

A Modest Suggestion for Change of Emblem for the National Security Agency

A Modest Suggestion for Change of Emblem for the National Security Agency

Uncategorized March 2, 2016 at 11:11 pm

At the Niagara Falls Reporter, we seek to serve the interest of the people. And, as we reviewed our story, A Good American, this week, it occurred to us that we could serve both the people, and the government which purportedly is in existence to serve them, by offering aRead More

Greed, Corruption & Cover-Up At The NSA

Greed, Corruption & Cover-Up At The NSA

Uncategorized March 2, 2016 at 11:03 pm

Burning Books to screen documentary about whistleblower Bill Binney By Jordan Canahai Tuesday 9:47am: Hi baby, you have to listen to me carefully—I’m on a plane that’s been hijacked. I’m on the plane; I’m calling from the plane. I want to tell you I love you and tell my childrenRead More

Falls sees tiny decrease in violent  crime: Remains dangerous place

Falls sees tiny decrease in violent crime: Remains dangerous place

Uncategorized March 2, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    In his State of the City address last week Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster claimed that violent crime was down by 5.4 percent in 2015 compared to 2014. Will the slight dip in the rate of violent crime be enough to get the Falls off of the numerousRead More

Delaware North Loses Yosemite Contract

Delaware North Loses Yosemite Contract

Niagara Falls March 2, 2016 at 10:30 pm

Can Niagara Falls State Park be next? News of potential import to the city of Niagara Falls broke late last year when details of an epic legal showdown at Yosemite National Park became public. Subsequent to losing a $2 billion, 15-year contract extension for hospitality (food, hotel) services to competitorRead More

City website silent on state of the city, waxes eloquent on Easter Egg Hunt

City website silent on state of the city, waxes eloquent on Easter Egg Hunt

Niagara Falls March 2, 2016 at 9:56 pm

  Doing a story on Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster’s 2016 State of the City speech is one thing. Sitting through it is quite another. For one thing, it involves sitting in a room with Dyster and listening to him. He is notorious for his ability to go one andRead More

How Long Does It Take to Get Out of Shape?

Community News March 2, 2016 at 3:40 pm

Colder temperatures and fewer daylight hours make it more difficult to stay active and motivated. But how long does it take to actually get out of shape? It varies from person to person, but most experts agree that it’s pretty simple: you either use it or you lose it.  Read More

Second Amendment Watch: Trump to Hilary: If guns don’t keep you safe, disarm your bodyguards!

Second Amendment Watch: Trump to Hilary: If guns don’t keep you safe, disarm your bodyguards!

State and National News February 28, 2016 at 11:42 pm

AS UPI and other news outlets report: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump challenged Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton to travel without armed bodyguards to prove that guns don’t keep people safe. “Hillary said that guns don’t keep you safe. If she really believes that she should demand that her heavily armed bodyguards quicklyRead More

Second Amendment Watch: Obama and Gun “Control”

Second Amendment Watch: Obama and Gun “Control”

Uncategorized February 28, 2016 at 11:42 pm

(Former FBI agent J. Gary DiLaura speaks out on new gun control laws) Okay Barack you want to talk gun control?  Let’s talk about the gun control laws that are CURRENTLY on the books that Department of Justice does not use. There are Federal Guns laws on the books rightRead More

Reader: We need a gender specific state speech law [NYS STIFLE ACT] to curb white men’s speech

Uncategorized February 28, 2016 at 11:41 pm

By Susan D. Musial Today we are burdened with ever-increasing restrictions on what we  can and cannot say. Recently, the members of the liberal press tried to dissuade Donald Trump from using the term “anchor baby.” Trump responded we, the nation, don’t have time for political correctness. Agreed. And evenRead More

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