Local News

Nick Melson is said to have an increasingly powerful role in the Dyster administration.

What’s Really Going on With the Rumored City Hall Personnel Changes?

In our last edition, the Reporter explained how the mayor ordered his top personnel to submit updated resumes if they hoped to keep their jobs. Sources told us the mayor was going to rely heavily on the council to review the resumes. The council was to help him decide whoRead More

City Hall Jokes January 7 20http://southbuffalonews.com6

City Hall Jokes January 7 20http://southbuffalonews.com6

  http://southbuffalonews.com   It’s pretty small peanuts. Councilmen Charles Walker and Andrew Touma have pulled the chairmanship out from under Kristen Grandinetti more times than Lucy pulled the football out from under Charlie Brown. In defense of his having prevented Kristen Grandinetti from being named council chairwoman, Andrew Touma, said,Read More

Matchup Between Ceretto, Morinello Could Be the Marquee Race

Matchup Between Ceretto, Morinello Could Be the Marquee Race

  When state lawmakers convened in Albany on Wednesday to kick off the new legislative session, watchdog groups were holding a press conference calling on the governor and legislators to sign a “Clean Conscience Pledge” in the wake of the corruption convictions of the former Assembly speaker and the SenateRead More

It’s the end of the world as Paul Dyster knows it, and he feels fine

It’s the end of the world as Paul Dyster knows it, and he feels fine

Wow, Mayor Dyster needs to take a chill pill…he’s scaring radio talk show listeners with oblique references to nuclear conflagration. When he appeared on the Darro show two weeks ago he told the host that “the natural gas reserves in the northeast have to be protected for the future inRead More

Why was there no public hearing on 20http://southbuffalonews.com6 budget?

Why was there no public hearing on 20http://southbuffalonews.com6 budget?

The Niagara Falls Reporter recently featured a cover story detailing how the city council approved the 20http://southbuffalonews.com6 budget in a 4-0 council vote on November http://southbuffalonews.com7 at the close of a budget work session. That budget, along with seven as yet to be disclosed council budget amendments, moved to the Mayor PaulRead More

Niagara Falls 7-http://southbuffalonews.comhttp://southbuffalonews.com Robbery Arrest Made By US Marshals

Niagara Falls 7-http://southbuffalonews.comhttp://southbuffalonews.com Robbery Arrest Made By US Marshals

Crime doesn’t pay. At least not for too long. On January 6th at 3:00 a.m. the 7/http://southbuffalonews.comhttp://southbuffalonews.com, located at 23http://southbuffalonews.com0 Hyde Park Blvd, was robbed. Two suspects, one male and one female entered the store with the female staying near the door to watch for customers. The male walked toRead More

Only in North Tonawanda: Is NT surreptitiously violating Open Meetings Law?

Reviewing 20http://southbuffalonews.com2-20http://southbuffalonews.com5 Common Council minutes posted on NT’s website indicates most meetings lasted less than 30 minutes, some less than http://southbuffalonews.com0, only a few lasting 60. In http://southbuffalonews.com2/http://southbuffalonews.com/http://southbuffalonews.com5 minutes, Jean Kroetsch requested more information be included on agendas so she could understand  budget transfers.  Do Council members, Mayor, or CityRead More

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