The new train station will be large, beautiful, expensive for taxpayers and will likely be empty most, or all of the time.
Train station
The Niagara Falls Reporter has been pointing out for the past four years that the train station has yet to find an operating budget.
The Reporter also wrote not too long ago that the residents should look for US Sen. Charles Schumer to come to the rescue with federal money to run the station for the first couple of years… the train station is too costly to fail in that Schumer has hung his name on the project and he can’t afford to let himself look like he backed a ridiculous facility that has no riders and no budget.
We suspect Dyster knows that.
And the doors will open and the federal dollars will come.
But that doesn’t mean there will riders.
The Niagara Gazette recently wrote that it would be great if high wire artist Nik Wallenda would locate an attraction here.
The challenge is that Dyster ignored and harassed Wallenda from day one of his walk the falls project.
Dyster ignored a public Wallenda planning session at the IDA offices; he made it almost impossible for Wallenda to practice his wire walk in the downtown; he tried to make Wallenda pay a $25,000 fee after the walk was over; he ignored all of Wallenda’s efforts to locate a museum or wire walk facility in the downtown.
What will be different now?