Local News

Rally at Wheatfield Town Hall in Opposition to National Fuel Expansion

Niagara County December 18, 2015 at 1:26 pm

Last evening over fifty residents turned out for a rally at Wheatfield Town Hall to protest the installation of a natural gas dehydrator off Liberty Drive in the town. The proposed facility is to augment a National Fuel pipeline currently being built to transport fracked natural gas from the drillingRead More

Cohen to Represent Mascia at Hearing

Erie County December 18, 2015 at 1:15 pm

Joe Mascia, the elected tenant commissioner at the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority who was suspended by Mayor Byron Brown for racist remarks that were taped without his knowledge, will have a chance to make his case for reinstatement in front of a hearing officer Friday (Dec.18) at 9:30 a.m. inRead More

Black ECC Executive Files Discrimination Complaint Against School

Erie County December 18, 2015 at 1:13 pm

With the first state audit of Erie Community College in 20 years due to be released shortly at a time when the institution is facing serious financial challenges, new legal concerns are emerging for President Jack Quinn and his administration in the form of a discrimination complaint filed with theRead More

Websites ranks Niagara Falls third worst– but that’s their opinion

Websites ranks Niagara Falls third worst– but that’s their opinion

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

These days every other website is doing rankings. And website ranking opinions are like certain anatomical parts – everybody has one or two of them. So this website called Road Snacks decides to rank cities in New York State and using their yardstick – Niagara Falls is the third worstRead More

Grandinetti defends her mayor by targeting “disloyal, disruptive, unproductive” employees for removal

Grandinetti defends her mayor by targeting “disloyal, disruptive, unproductive” employees for removal

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

Goodness gracious what was councilwoman Kristen Grandinetti thinking as she put pen to paper, or cursor to screen, to write her Gazette January http://southbuffalonews.comhttp://southbuffalonews.com, guest view titled, “The resumes are in”? The column heartily defended Mayor Dyster’s pre-Christmas call for a review of department head resumes. Dyster’s demand for hisRead More

Obama, Cuomo, Dyster join forces  to make transparency more blurry   

Obama, Cuomo, Dyster join forces to make transparency more blurry  

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

  Aside from the fact that they all happen to be Democrats, President Barack Obama, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Paul Dyster all have another trait in common – The belief that they can punish members of the press and the news organizations they work for by freezing them out,Read More

In Niagara Falls, home of big government  the rich get richer while the poor get poorer

In Niagara Falls, home of big government the rich get richer while the poor get poorer

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

    Bad luck comes in threes, they say, and for residents of Niagara Falls this cliché has been visited with a vengeance. The perennially cash strapped city has both the highest crime rate and the highest taxes per capita of any municipality in New York State, and is runRead More

Train Station and Wallenda – same old, same old

Train Station and Wallenda – same old, same old

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

Train station The Niagara Falls Reporter has been pointing out for the past four years that the train station has yet to find an operating budget. The Reporter also wrote not too long ago that the residents should look for US Sen. Charles Schumer to come to the rescue withRead More

Only in NT – NT Environmental Committee doesn’t tell us these things!

Niagara County January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation recently reclassified the Niagara Sanitation site as a Class 2 site, a “significant threat to the public health or environment—action required.” Although in the Town of Wheatfield, it’s at the NT border, silently affecting NT residents with its contaminants. In early 20http://southbuffalonews.com5,Read More

Membership Set For CO. Manager Search; Sources Say Updegrove may be offered position

Membership Set For CO. Manager Search; Sources Say Updegrove may be offered position

Niagara County January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

LOCKPORT— Niagara County is looking for a new county manager to replace Jeffrey Glatz who handed in his resignation recently and will retire shortly. As long ago as late Spring last year there were rumblings about 20http://southbuffalonews.com5 being Glatz’s final year with the county. Now the membership of the NiagaraRead More

Tompkins explains position on ending council health insurance and his decision to accept health insurance

Tompkins explains position on ending council health insurance and his decision to accept health insurance

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

By Ken Tompkins During my campaign, I focused on ways in which to reduce the city’s financial footprint and save tax payers’ money. One way was to reduce or eliminate the health care benefits and insurance opt-out payments for part-time elected officials and part-time political appointees (like the civil serviceRead More

The taxpayer subsidized housing in Beloved Community cost about $300,000 per unit to develop. This shows that the poverty industry can be very lucrative for builders and developers.

Housing Authority a Key Player in Commodification of Human Services

Perhaps no agency has benefitted more from the commodification of poverty in Niagara Falls in recent years than the city’s Housing Authority. Created in http://southbuffalonews.com942 to provide housing for soldiers, sailors, Marines and others involved in the war effort, the agency has evolved through the years to provide not onlyRead More

Touma gets the chair, Grandinetti gets the bum’s rush…again

Touma gets the chair, Grandinetti gets the bum’s rush…again

(The Reporter’s resident feminist, Anna Howard, says the ‘woman was denied’) The city council held their 20http://southbuffalonews.com6 reorganization meeting today, January http://southbuffalonews.com, 20http://southbuffalonews.com6. And, as we feared, the male dominated council decided to let current chairman, Andrew Touma, remain in the big seat for 20http://southbuffalonews.com6.  As the saying goes, we’reRead More

GLenn Choolokian may have been the game changer, but he had the right to play the game.

Choolokian Had the Right to Try to Win

Niagara Falls – There is a canard around this city that Glenn Choolokian is to blame for Mayor Paul Dyster’s reelection. Choolokian’s http://southbuffalonews.com300 plus “write in” votes were more than the difference between Dyster and his main challenger, John Accardo, who were separated by about 700 votes. People say that, had itRead More

Hufnagel designs Dyster popularity graph; shows lack of support among constituents

Hufnagel designs Dyster popularity graph; shows lack of support among constituents

After a landslide victory over Candra Thomason in 2007, Mayor Dyster’s performance in general elections has gone south. This is probably due to the persistent poverty and crime, vacant storefronts on the city’s thoroughfares, slavish devotion to big money Albany and Buffalo interests and his tendency to characterize political opponentsRead More

He (She) who gets the council chair holds the power and the glory, and here’s why

He (She) who gets the council chair holds the power and the glory, and here’s why

By Anna Howard Niagara Falls – Since the Niagara Falls Reporter has gone on record in support of Kristen Grandinetti being elected council chairwoman we’ve been asked any number of times, “exactly what does a chairperson do that makes the position such a big deal?” Few people are aware ofRead More

Man arrested for arson for fire at boarding house in Niagara Falls

Man arrested for arson for fire at boarding house in Niagara Falls

Just after 8 pm tonight, Niagara Falls Police Detectives arrested a local man and charged him with  starting the fire at the  boarding house located at http://southbuffalonews.com967 Niagara St in Niagara Falls, that occurred on January http://southbuffalonews.comst at 7:http://southbuffalonews.com5 pm Police arrested Jerome Wingfield, a  32 year old male, whoRead More

Passage of “Amanda Lynn’s Law”  comforts grieving family here

Passage of “Amanda Lynn’s Law” comforts grieving family here

  By Mike Hudson For Leslie Brill Meserole, even the small victories are huge. “I couldn’t be happier,” she said on hearing the news that Amanda Lynn’s Law — which strengthens penalties against those who seek to unlawfully conceal or dispose of a body – had been signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.Read More

Mayor Paul Dyster sent a letter to department heads and nonunion city employees seeking their resumes. This has led to speculation that the mayor may be choosing to replace some employees not protected by civil service.

Dyster continues to raise the fiscal roof as the foundation collapses

A grateful Mayor Paul Dyster promoted two men who help his reelection efforts.     By Anna Howard   There he goes again. Last week Mayor Dyster started another round of promotions for select people in city government. This time it was the fire department. While we have no doubtRead More

Niagara Falls Selects Artist for $435,000 Public Outlay for ‘Sculpture Art’ at Traffic Circle

Niagara Falls Selects Artist for $435,000 Public Outlay for ‘Sculpture Art’ at Traffic Circle

Rendering of Sculpture for Niagara Falls’ Centennial Circle is unveiled   Niagara Falls Mayor Paul A. Dyster has been working on getting a sculpture placed in what is called Centennial Circle since 2009, planning to spend some $435,000 – plus annual maintenance – to do so. This summer, it looksRead More

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