Touma gets the chair, Grandinetti gets the bum’s rush…again

(The Reporter’s resident feminist, Anna Howard, says the ‘woman was denied’)

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Andrew Touma is reelected as council chairman by his colleagues on the council

The city council held their 20http://southbuffalonews.com6 reorganization meeting today, January, 20http://southbuffalonews.com6. And, as we feared, the male dominated council decided to let current chairman, Andrew Touma, remain in the big seat for 20http://southbuffalonews.com6.  As the saying goes, we’re shocked, but not surprised.

Grandinetti is in the third year of her second four year term and has never been allowed to serve as chairman. While time in office has no direct bearing on being chosen for the position it confounds both logic and common sense that the men on the council can’t see the errors in the way they continue to block the councilwoman from the leadership position.

The Reporter has written several columns in recent weeks in which we went to bat for Kristen Grandinetti being elected chairwoman. What happened today is just plain wrong and we’ll be writing more about it in the coming days.

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