Niagara Falls

Vincent Cauley Challenges Mayor’s Planned Misuse of CDBG Funds for Event Center

Vincent Cauley Challenges Mayor’s Planned Misuse of CDBG Funds for Event Center

Featured, Ken Cosentino, Local News, News, Niagara Falls, Parcel 0 November 2, 2023 at 4:30 pm

Last night’s city council meeting was further proof that Mayor Restaino’s proposed use of CDBG funds for purchasing Parcel 0 is still on the table. Last night, Councilmember Vincent Cauley attempted to rescind the authority the council granted the Mayor last December to use CDBG funds for the purchase ofRead More

Mayor Restaino’s ‘Generous’ Tax Cut: Smoke and Mirrors in Niagara Falls

Mayor Restaino’s ‘Generous’ Tax Cut: Smoke and Mirrors in Niagara Falls

Featured, Local News, Niagara Falls November 1, 2023 at 8:59 am

Niagara Falls, NY – Mayor Robert M. Restaino, just in time for the election, has announced a modest decrease in residential property tax rates. Yet, since his inauguration in 2020, the city has been plagued with soaring crime rates and rising taxes. First, let’s dissect his “generous” tax cut. AlthoughRead More

Niagara Falls is a Horror Show

Niagara Falls is a Horror Show

Featured, Ken Cosentino, Local News, Niagara Falls October 31, 2023 at 12:28 am

Downtown Niagara Falls has effectively become a garbage dump. We’ve all seen it as we drive down streets and alleys. Old mattresses, used tires, trash bags ripped open with their contents spilling out all over the ground. The average person drives by these eyesores and wonders “Who’s cleaning all ofRead More

Gawel Raises Questions About Archie’s Role at Housing Authority

Gawel Raises Questions About Archie’s Role at Housing Authority

Local News, Niagara Falls October 29, 2023 at 5:49 pm

By Tony Farina Niagara Falls GOP City Council candidate Michael Gawel has raised questions in a Facebook post about Democratic council candidate Brian Archie’s role at the Niagara Falls Housing Authority where Archie serves as secretary. Gawel asks if the Housing Authority still owns a single family home, and is formerRead More

NFMMC Leads Niagara County in Preparation for Medicaid Doulas

NFMMC Leads Niagara County in Preparation for Medicaid Doulas

Community News, Niagara Falls October 27, 2023 at 10:56 pm

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. — “Everyone should have a doula,” noted one mother who birthed with a doula from the Every Woman & Child Counts project. New York State lawmakers agree. Recently approved in the New York State budget, doulas across New York State may begin to certify as Medicaid providersRead More

Transparency in Short Supply in Niagara Falls Government

Transparency in Short Supply in Niagara Falls Government

Local News, Niagara Falls October 27, 2023 at 6:29 pm

By Tony Farina Mayoral GOP candidate Carl Cain said at Wednesday’s mayoral debate that open government is important to building good relationships with taxpayers. Cain hit hard at that message, saying “we need to build bridges and transparency” if we are going to be successful, and that’s my pledge toRead More

Video: Restaino in Denial About Crime

Video: Restaino in Denial About Crime

Ken Cosentino, Local News, Niagara Falls October 25, 2023 at 12:03 am

If you believe Mayor Robert Restaino, the city’s never been safer; crime is down and all is right with the city and his administration. However, if you look at crime statistics, or even look around and see what’s really happening, an entirely different picture emerges than Restaino’s alternate reality. Here’sRead More

HUD Ignores FOIL Request, Appears to Help Mayor Keep His Financial Plans Secret

HUD Ignores FOIL Request, Appears to Help Mayor Keep His Financial Plans Secret

Data Campus, Local News, Niagara Falls October 22, 2023 at 12:00 pm

By Tony Farina Simply stated, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has now become part of the story of the competing Niagara Falls development projects, one supported by the mayor and the second by Niagara Falls Redevelopment (NFR). In denying a FOIL request by the Niagara Gazette,Read More

City Roads Rated ‘Bad’ by Carl Cain: Residents Echo the Sentiment

City Roads Rated ‘Bad’ by Carl Cain: Residents Echo the Sentiment

Local News, Niagara Falls October 18, 2023 at 12:59 pm

Niagara Falls NY  – Carl Cain is running against Mayor Robert Restaino for mayor. Election is November 7.  This is the second in a series of of interviews with Cain. Reporter  How would you rate the condition of the roads in the city? Carl Cain  Bad. And it’s unfortunate becauseRead More

Things Keep Getting Worse With Restaino in Office

Things Keep Getting Worse With Restaino in Office

Featured, Ken Cosentino, Local News, News, Niagara Falls October 13, 2023 at 4:57 pm

Right about now, the walls are closing in on Bobby. Even if he wins, he loses. Emails and messages have flooded in to the Reporter with tips and stories about Mayor Robert Restaino’s private life. Some are so tawdry and cringeworthy that they won’t even be mentioned here. Election season willRead More

Does ‘Resty’ Exhibit the Hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Does ‘Resty’ Exhibit the Hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Local News, Niagara Falls October 12, 2023 at 12:45 am

Disclaimer: The following narrative is as genuine as the mayor’s Centennial Park proposal, albeit without the hefty price tag. Reader discretion is advised. By Winston Velvet Without disclosing the identity, we sought insight from a distinguished psychiatrist to provide us with a diagnostic perspective based on three distinct external eventsRead More

Restaino Should Get Out of Development Business Given City’s Poor Track Record

Restaino Should Get Out of Development Business Given City’s Poor Track Record

Featured, Local News, Niagara Falls October 11, 2023 at 11:30 pm

By Tony Farina Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino says he wants to build a  speculative $150-million events center on land the city doesn’t own and he has undertaken an eminent domain process to try and corral the 10-acre South End property from NFR at a mounting legal price and hopefullyRead More

Urbacon's plans to develop in Niagara Falls are real.

Mayor Restaino’s Perception of Reality Questioned Amidst Development Controversies

Elections 2023, Gerald Skrlin, Local News, Niagara Falls October 11, 2023 at 11:12 pm

Is Mayor Robert Restaino losing his grip on reality? In his latest campaign ad—trumpeted with great fanfare for days on Facebook—Mayor Robert Restaino suggests NFR and Urbacon’s Niagara Digital Campus development proposal is not real. Not real? • Is Mayor Restaino suggesting the company Urbacon, a Toronto-based developer and operatorRead More

Is Mayor Restaino Echoing the Financially Damaging Tactics of E. Dent Lackey?

Is Mayor Restaino Echoing the Financially Damaging Tactics of E. Dent Lackey?

Featured, Local News, Niagara Falls October 6, 2023 at 12:31 pm

By Ken Hamilton For those unfamiliar with Niagara Falls’ history, a trip down memory lane reveals mayoral decisions that devastated the city economically. Notably, Mayor E. Dent Lackey of the 1970s implemented policies that led to the confiscation of private properties from entrepreneurs and families who helped build the community.Read More

Carl Cain is set to become the next mayor of Niagara Falls

Cain Fires Back at Restaino’s ‘Political Maneuver’ Threat to Release Personnel Files

Elections 2023, Featured, Local News, Niagara Falls October 3, 2023 at 8:59 pm

By Tony Farina The Niagara Falls mayoral race is turning ugly.  Just ask Republican candidate Carl Cain who is alleging that Mayor Restaino, a Democrat, and his appointed police chief, John Faso, have managed to deliver messages to him through two of his friends that he could face the publicRead More

Mayor Restaino’s Disturbing Behavior and Political Pandering

Mayor Restaino’s Disturbing Behavior and Political Pandering

MAYOR RESTAINO AND THE SO-CALLED “BLACK VOTE” Mayor Restaino has been handing out “candy,” but it’s not Halloween yet. It’s election season, and that candy is actually grant money. This past week, Mayor Restaino announced that he was awarding $100,000 to Christ Redemption Tabernacle Church, located at 339 22nd Street.Read More

Residents Expose Restaino’s Fiscal Follies, so He Yells at Citizen Trying to Pay His Taxes

Residents Expose Restaino’s Fiscal Follies, so He Yells at Citizen Trying to Pay His Taxes

Local News, Niagara Falls September 13, 2023 at 10:37 am

By Ken Cosentino Recently I had a conversation with a close friend of mine who is a lifelong resident and successful business owner in Niagara Falls, and he said something that stuck with me. What my friend said is this: “As major shareholders, developers in this city deserve special treatment.”Read More

Restaino Plays Favorites with Developers, Turns a Blind Eye to Unpaid Property Taxes

Restaino Plays Favorites with Developers, Turns a Blind Eye to Unpaid Property Taxes

Local News, Niagara Falls September 13, 2023 at 3:00 am

By Ken Cosentino Does Mayor Robert Restaino decide which businesses win and which businesses lose in the city of Niagara Falls? Indeed, he has turned a blind eye when it comes to some businesses not paying their taxes and others not paying their contractors. Local developer and Restaino ally RodRead More

Did Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino Improperly Target Political Rival Demetreus Nix?

Did Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino Improperly Target Political Rival Demetreus Nix?

Local News, Niagara Falls September 6, 2023 at 1:19 pm

By Richard Luthmann Demetreus Nix, a man with a troubled past, turned his life around. He started a construction business, became a community leader, and is now a Niagara Falls Mayoral candidate. But for the past several months,  Nix has repeatedly found himself in hot water thanks to what heRead More

Lock Your Doors and Guard Your Wallets: Is Mayor Restaino Ignoring Crime for Centennial Park?

Lock Your Doors and Guard Your Wallets: Is Mayor Restaino Ignoring Crime for Centennial Park?

Local News, Niagara Falls September 2, 2023 at 10:54 pm

Cartoon courtesy Niagara Gazette Niagara Falls has signs around the falls advising tourists: “Lock your car doors. Take your valuables. Enjoy your stay.” Really? The signs give tourists a frightful first impression that they won’t enjoy their stay, for they have entered a high crime area instead of a naturalRead More

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