The very survival of the human race is being threatened by global warming, air and water pollution, overpopulation, natural resource depletion, loss of biodiversity, deforestation and ocean acidification, but don’t despair! Delaware North, which sells fast food, gifts and souvenirs in the former nature preserve we know as Niagara Falls State Park, was recently named a “New York Environmental Leader” by the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation.
Why was Delaware North designated an “Environmental Leader” by New York State?
Because, according to the DEC website, “Delaware North is saving 7,500 gallons of diesel fuel by switching from a national brand of hot dogs to a local one.”
“New York Environmental Leaders (NYEL) program provides recognition and incentives to businesses and organizations that are committed to sustainable practices and conserving New York’s environment and natural resources,” it explains, “To become a member, businesses and organizations must demonstrate that they have a good record of compliance with environmental laws and regulations, a system in place for managing their environmental impacts, commit to future environmental performance improvements, and have a public outreach plan in place.”

Hot dogs, Delaware North hot dogs
What kind of kids eat Delaware North Hot Dogs?
Fat kids, skinny kids, kids who climb on rocks
Tough kids, sissy kids, billionaire kids, even kids with chicken pox
love hot dogs, Delaware North Hot Dogs
The dogs kids love to bite!
Guaranteed to bring a tear to the eye of Rachel Carson, author of the ’60’s classic Silent Spring, were she still alive today and not dead from the cancer that comes predominantly from living on a sick and poisoned planet, other mega-corporations that have earned the moniker Environmental Leader from New York State include Anheuser-Busch (“saving 190,600 lbs. of aluminum per year by introducing a new lighter weight can for their products”), IBM (“eliminating 4,200 lbs. of Styrofoam waste by banning it from their dining facilities”), Covanta (“replace steel smoke hatches with skylights to allow for natural light to come in during the day”) and Rockland Country Club (“eliminated algal blooms on course water bodies”).
Clearly, the Earth is in good hands, thanks to Environmental Leaders like Delaware North, brewer Anheuser-Busch, IBM, local incinerator Covanta and a downstate golf course. It just goes to show how wrong those hysterical tree-hugging environmental doomsayers are.
Delaware North even created its own environmental newsletter, “Green Path News,” to serve as propaganda (or as a “public outreach plan”, as the DEC put it above), getting the good word out to a gullible public that has been conditioned to believe environmental progress is best achieved by adopting mundane habits such as using cloth shopping bags, keeping your tires at the proper inflation and recycling flashlight batteries. Green Path News’ first issue in 2014 preceded its Environmental Leader designation by just a few months.
“(The program) focuses on enabling organizations that are committed to making improvements in their environmental performance,” states the March, 2015 issue of Green Path News. “And, NYEL provides organizations incentives to sustain their existing high levels of performance, and to motivate and enable organizations that are committed to reaching higher levels of performance.”
What are these “higher levels of performance” that Delaware North has attained with its extensive fast food and restaurant operations in Niagara Falls State Park?
“Conduct lighting retrofits to LED technology at the Top of the Falls Restaurant and Cave of the Winds Building… (resulting) in reducing mercury in the environment. Source local product line for hot dogs to reduce impacts associated with transportation. Retrofit seven walk-in coolers and freezers with those that are 30% more energy efficient,” all upgrades that, besides having PR value, fortuitously lower costs for their Niagara Falls State Park-based business activities.
“Join me in congratulating each of these Delaware North properties for their commitments and acceptance into the New York Environmental Leaders Program!” a self-congratulatory Green Path News urges, although the newsletter article features no byline, leaving the reader wondering just who “me” would be.