Erie County Executive Poloncarz to Run for Higgins’ Vacated Seat?

If Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz’s Facebook page gives any indication, he may soon announce his candidacy for the congressional seat recently vacated by Rep. Brian Higgins, who has represented Niagara Falls for several years.

Yesterday Mr. Poloncarz posted the following to his Facebook page about Niagara Falls:

“The nice thing about living near a natural wonder of the world is if you don’t have anything to do on a late Sunday afternoon you can make a quick trip up there. Lindsey and I headed up to see the American side of the Falls to check out the view and the new visitor center and then went to dinner…

“… it was a great little trip all around… now is a good time to head up there for a day trip.”

With nearly 5,000 Facebook friends, it’s clear Mr. Poloncarz’s post is intended to generate positive exposure and goodwill for the city of Niagara Falls.

If our tea leaves are accurate, the County Executive would be the third candidate in this race, throwing his hat in the ring in addition to State Senator Tim Kennedy of south Buffalo, and former Grand Island Supervisor Nate McMurray, whose record and interests have historically closely identified with residents here.

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