Last night, the popular Discovery+ paranormal series “Expedition X” aired their latest episode called “Niagara Nightmare,” which was filmed in Niagara Falls, NY as well as Lockport. The description for the episode reads: “Jess and Phil dive into the mysteries of Niagara Falls. The popular honeymoon destination is also the site of a deluge of horrors. The team investigates reports of disturbing paranormal activity and the famous falls history of violent deaths.”
Niagara Falls is steeped in myths, legends and historically bloody battles – and Hollywood is starting to take notice.
The hosts of this series, Jessica Chobot and Phil Torres, spent the first third of the episode investigating paranormal claims at the Cave of the Winds. After that, they moved downstream to Devil’s Hole where they entered the Cave of the Evil Spirit. Chobot is originally from Buffalo, NY.
One notable local who was featured significantly in this episode was former City Councilmember Bill Kennedy. Long before he was ever a teacher or a politician, Kennedy became a professional actor.
Kennedy explained how he got the gig, “Having lived in Los Angeles for a number of years, I made many connections. One of those connections was a producer for the show who reached out to me and asked me a ton of questions about the area and where they should film. So that’s how I became involved with Expedition X.”
The hosts of the show interviewed Kennedy about a ghostly encounter he claims to have experienced while walking around Goat Island one night. Kennedy also assisted the production by helping recommend local crew members for hire.
“Niagara Falls can and should have a prominent film and television industry,” Kennedy told the Reporter, “especially because of our proximity to Toronto. We have every type of location needed except for a desert, and we can create that.”
Kennedy points out, “There are so many benefits to our local economy – specifically our businesses that often struggle to survive. The obstacles come in the form of corrupt politicians and those who only care about themselves versus working together and lifting others up.”
It’s worth noting that any film or television production that chooses to film within the boundaries of Niagara Falls State Park must follow park guidelines and contractual obligations. So, for example, when those productions break for a meal within the park boundaries, catering must be provided by Delaware North. Local catering companies are not allowed to cater productions within the state park.
Certainly, local businesses should benefit whenever our community houses a film or television show. The wide range of needs for any production can be seen in the end credits of any film. Aside from catering and craft services, shows are in need of professional carpenters, electricians, talent, locations, transportation, and a long list of crew members.
Kennedy is no stranger to the film and television industry, having produced and starred in many feature films as well as being featured in supporting roles on TV shows and in commercials. He has worked in theater for decades, providing entertainment for countless patrons.
Over the years, Bill Kennedy has promoted the City of Niagara Falls as a viable location for productions ranging from micro budget to blockbuster films. As President of White Lion Studios, LLC; he has helped bring movies such as “Givers of Death” and “The Burned Over District” to our community.
“We have tremendously talented people in our community!” Says Kennedy, “I always tell my students to follow your dreams no matter what! Don’t let anyone derail you or knock you off course. Believe in yourself and always reach out to those who have experience breaking down obstacles… especially in this industry.”
This is not the first time the creators of Expedition X, led by television star Josh Gates, have visited Niagara Falls for their programming. In 2019, another Josh Gates series called “Legendary Locations” was assisted by White Lion Studios, LLC while filming in Niagara Falls and Fort Niagara. As a community, we would love to have Gates and his colleagues visit us more!