As of Sunday, December 17, 2017, Keith Raniere is alive and well and living with one of his longtime girlfriends, Mariana Fernandez, and their infant son, in San Pedro Garza Garcia, an affluent suburb of Monterrey.
Mr. Raniere was photographed walking with Ms. Fernandez and is pushing a stroller with a baby inside.
Mr. Raniere is believed to have left his home in suburban Albany, New York, out of concern for a law enforcement investigation into his activities. Numerous sources with direct knowledge say the investigation is ‘active’ and asked that the agency/agencies investigating Mr. Raniere remain confidential for now.
An indictment is possible within the next 90 days, says one source familiar with the investigation.
Mr. Raniere, with Mariana and child, is walking in the subdivision of Lo Jolla in San Pedro Garza Garcia, where he currently resides.
Mr. Raniere and his NXIVM organization have come under unprecedented media scrutiny since an October 17th story in the New York Times revealed what Frank Report readers have known since June 4, 2017: that women in Raniere’s cult are branded with his initials and required to give nude photographs and other damaging material as ‘collateral’ to ensure their obedience and their silence about the secretive practices of Mr. Raniere’s master-slave group called DOS.
The brand burnt on the pubic area of female slaves of Mr. Raniere. It was originally said to be a Latin symbol.
Turned sideways, however, the brand forms the letters ‘K-R,’ which is said to stand for the initials of Keith Raniere.
One of his DOS branded slaves, Carola Garza, lives in this gated community, and reportedly arranged for him to reside here.
Also in Monterrey is his chief financial supporter, Seagram’s heiress Clare Bronfman, who, reportedly, may also be under criminal investigation. Like Mr. Raniere, she also left her home in suburban Albany.
From the picture, it appears that Mr. Raniere hair is frizzy and appears not to have been cut in weeks. He appears to be somewhat pudgy and evidently not on the restricted 500-per-day calorie diet he requires of his DOS slaves.
The name of the baby has been kept secret from outsiders, but one source claims the baby was given a name that combines Keith Raniere and Mariana’s names and said it is Kemaraniere or Kemar for short.
Mr. Raniere ran afoul of the homeowner’s group in Lo Jolla when he first arrived about a month ago because of his habit of taking late night walks with various married and single women. It evidently was disconcerting to the residents of this quiet and secure neighborhood to see the alleged leader of a dangerous sex cult walking at all hours of the night with different women.
It is also known that Mr. Raniere numbers among his followers, Emiliano Salinas, whose father is former Mexican President Carlos Salinas, who is deeply feared and widely hated in Mexico.
From Monterrey, Mr. Raniere has issued a statement that he has nothing to do with the DOS slave group that brands women with his initials. He claims the women – who he says formed their own “sorority” – are ‘thriving, healthy, happy, and better off,” and that they are ‘proud’ of what they have accomplished.
In the picture, Mr. Raniere does not look like he is thriving, healthy, happy, or better off. Some who have seen the photo commented that he looks like a defeated man.
It is uncertain why he is pushing the baby stroller. Whether it is out of paternal love, or merely to make a show in this circumspect community that he is a fond father and not a sinister cult figure is unclear.
He showed no similar solicitude for his first known child – born to Kristin Keeffe ca. 2007.
At that time, Mr. Raniere told followers that the child was a foundling whose father was unknown and whose mother died at childbirth. Later, he admitted the child was his son. The mother fled the cult with her son in early 2014 and is still in hiding. Raniere has reportedly initiated a lawsuit against Kristin but has not yet been able to find her to serve the papers.
Mr. Raniere announced the birth of his recently born son to followers at Vanguard Week 2017 in late August. The child was likely conceived on or around the day his longtime live-in girlfriend Pamela Cafritz died. Reportedly, the NXIVM community was told Ms. Cafritz gave her dying blessings that Mr. Raniere and Ms. Fernandez should conceive a child together. This was used as an explanation of why Mr. Raniere was evidently copulating in the same house with Ms. Fernandez while Ms. Cafritz lay dying, a source told Frank Report.
For years, the NXIVM community was told that Ms. Cafritz and Ms. Fernandez were lesbian lovers and that Mr. Raniere lived with them like a brother and as their teacher.
Sources familiar with the present situation do not believe Mr. Raniere will return to Albany, unless he is required to do so because of criminal charges. Some believe he may fight extradition or flee to an offshore haven.
His sudden departure from the USA came as a surprise to some. Mr. Raniere told the NXIVM community repeatedly that he would never leave Albany because many of his followers relocated to be near him.
As new media stories about the dark practices of the cult he founded appear almost daily, NXIVM members are hastily leaving the cult and moving on with their lives. He may have less than 100 followers worldwide.
His last stronghold is Mexico, where he has a number of branded slaves who are loyal to him, serving him above their own husbands and children.
Mr. Raniere has also been spotted dining at Taller Veganico in San Pedro Garza García. Frank Report hopes to publish a photo of him here shortly.
Vegan fare is served at Taller Veganico, Mr. Raniere’s favored restaurant.
This restaurant advertises: “Creemos que una alimentación basada en plantas es una de las principales herramientas para generar un bienestar global.”
[“We believe that a plant-based diet is one of the main tools to generate global well-being.”]
For those seeking to meet, interview, photograph or ask him about branding, look for Keith Raniere at:
Work: ESP Center Vía Savotino 105, Fuentes del Valle, 66220 San Pedro Garza García, N.L., Mexico
Dining: Taller Veganico, Plutarco Elías Calles 420, Barrio Tampiquito, Tampiquito, 66240 San Pedro Garza García, N.L., Mexico
Home: San Clemente 612 La Jolla 66225 San Pedro Garza García, N.L. Mexico
In order to get into the community he lives in, one has to pass through a security gate. Strangers are not permitted to visit without permission of one of the residents.
Keith Raniere presently lives at San Clemente 612, La Jolla, San Pedro Garza Garcia, according to sources in Monterrey.
Pam Cafritz at V-Week 2016, a few months before she died of cancer.
An earlier photo of Keith Raniere walking with DOS branded slave Jimena Garza, the wife of Omar Boone.
The rented residence of Keith Raniere. How long he will stay in Monterrey is not known.