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Drug dealers target seniors traveling abroad

State and National News February 24, 2016 at 9:02 pm

Drug dealers target seniors The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency [ICE] warns seniors traveling abroad to beware of schemers who might trick them into smuggling drugs into the U.S., reports the Association of Mature American Seniors. The traffickers figure that customs officers are less likely to search baggage belongingRead More

Garbage tote arson latest chapter In long running comedy sketch

Garbage tote arson latest chapter In long running comedy sketch

Niagara Falls February 24, 2016 at 8:56 pm

  Niagara Falls – A series of arson fires targeting city-owned garbage totes has become a serious enough concern that both Fire Chief Thomas Colangelo and Police Chief Bryan Dal Porto have asked for the public’s help in identifying the culprits. In the meantime, Colangelo warned, garbage totes should beRead More

Methadone controversy goes on: Swapping one addiction for another?

Methadone controversy goes on: Swapping one addiction for another?

State and National News February 24, 2016 at 8:41 pm

Type the words “methadone” and “controversy” into your Google search engine and you’ll quickly come up with more than 213,000 hits that demonstrate that methadone maintenance, as it is commonly called, is not the simple, safe and effective answer to addiction its’ proponents claim. Even though leading health organizations promoteRead More

Studies agree methadone maintenance bad for addicts, bad for communities

Studies agree methadone maintenance bad for addicts, bad for communities

Niagara Falls February 24, 2016 at 8:34 pm

  Niagara Falls – Assurances by promoters of two proposed methadone clinics here will be beneficial both to recovering heroin addicts and the community as a whole flies in the face of a pair of recent studies that agree that replacing heroin with the even more highly addictive drug methadoneRead More



NXIVM February 18, 2016 at 10:01 pm

>BY FRANK PARLATO Frequent readers of Artvoice have seen our long running series The Cult of NXIVM. The series exposes over and over again that behind NXIVM’s so called executive coaching program is a world of lurid sex, powerful money, danger, vengeance and alleged criminality. At the center of itRead More

Print edition Feb 17

Print edition Feb 17

Online Newspaper February 18, 2016 at 11:19 am
It’s in the Stars: Your Weekly Horoscope: Feb 17-24

It’s in the Stars: Your Weekly Horoscope: Feb 17-24

Uncategorized February 18, 2016 at 1:35 am

Aries: (March 21 – April 19): Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.  Muddlement is your word of the week.  Obstacles will seem insurmountable to you this week, and they are. Life on the home front has never been more se-rene since you left.  Your talents asRead More

        Blocking Off Part Off The Falls Again?- Be Very, Very Careful!!!

        Blocking Off Part Off The Falls Again?- Be Very, Very Careful!!!

Uncategorized February 18, 2016 at 12:17 am

The Right Side By J Gary DiLaura In January 1985 a massive Ice Jam was caused in the East Upper Niagara River by the Power Authority. A week after the Ice Jam, at a meeting of 500 people in Amherst, the then Army Colonel Hardiman “declared” that the Power AuthorityRead More

Train station, train station who’s responsible for the train station?

Train station, train station who’s responsible for the train station?

State and National News February 18, 2016 at 12:05 am

In spite of the fact that the ribbon cutting of the Dyster administration train station is but a few months away the transportation facility is still, incredibly, without an operation and maintenance budget. Due to that fact some diehard Dyster administration cheerleaders have taken to promoting a cover story toRead More

The seven dead-on repairs for the city’s deadly fiscal sins

News, Niagara County February 17, 2016 at 11:47 pm

There’s two major differences between the seven point finance plan presented in this column and the finance plan recently offered by the council’s Financial Advisory Panel: The Reporter’s plan is both easily understood and easily implemented. No buzzwords. No double talk. Just straight forward remedies for the city’s sick fiscalRead More

Cuomo losing interest in City of Niagara Falls? Projects stalled,Progress at a Standstill

Cuomo losing interest in City of Niagara Falls? Projects stalled,Progress at a Standstill

Niagara Falls, State and National News February 17, 2016 at 11:39 pm

  Over the past two years Governor Andrew Cuomo has promised tens of millions of dollars of economic aid for the city of Niagara Falls. So far, the city has received none of it. Not only that, but after having been a regular visitor here, it now appears the governor is distancingRead More

DiCienzo suit rekindles criticism of Percy, NTCC

DiCienzo suit rekindles criticism of Percy, NTCC

Niagara Falls February 17, 2016 at 11:29 pm

  The city bed tax is being collected “erroneously, illegally and/or unconstitutionally” according to the Article 78 action brought against the city by the DiCienzo family and their company, NFNY Hotel Management. The suit, filed on the DiCienzo’s behalf by local attorney John Bartolomei in Niagara County Supreme Court, seeksRead More

Seneca Spin Off? We don’t need no stinking spin off!

Seneca Spin Off? We don’t need no stinking spin off!

Niagara Falls February 17, 2016 at 10:55 pm

This commercial building at 1389 Niagara St. once housed shops on the first floor and nice little apartments upstairs. It has been derelict for years and is representative of the spinoff resulting from the opening of the Seneca Niagara Casino, almost directly across the street. While there are no “nice” blacksRead More

Ceretto believes Seneca’s Verbal Promise of Market Rate Gas Prices

Ceretto believes Seneca’s Verbal Promise of Market Rate Gas Prices

Niagara Falls February 17, 2016 at 10:44 pm

There is so much wrong with the Seneca proposal to open up tax free gas station [s] in Niagara Falls, it is hard to know where to start. The Seneca Gaming Corporation, confronted with declining casino revenue, plan to expand their tax free operations exactly as this publication predicted forRead More

Senecas move toward new convention center 14 years after state gave away city convention center for casino 

Senecas move toward new convention center 14 years after state gave away city convention center for casino 

Niagara Falls February 17, 2016 at 9:23 pm

It’s almost too funny. Back in 2002, the city handed its convention center over to the Seneca Nation of Indians, along with 52 acres of prime real estate in downtown Niagara Falls for one dollar. Now, 14 years later, the Seneca’s development agency is proposing to build a new convention centerRead More

Only in NT: Wasted funds on studies that could have benefited NT

Only in NT: Wasted funds on studies that could have benefited NT

Niagara County February 17, 2016 at 8:23 pm

  Reading old newspapers on line ( ) makes for interesting reading. In 1958 and 1959, Mayor John Kopczynski opposed the Holiday Park development because he felt that the financial burdens placed on taxpayers for the Wurlitzer Park development  for infrastructure and long-term maintenance which were then still an openRead More

City Hall Jokes

City Hall Jokes

Uncategorized February 17, 2016 at 7:42 pm

  Mayor Paul Dyster and Tom DeSantis walk into the new train station. The mayor turns to his planner and says, “This building will operate at a loss but it was built at a profit.” Grin, snicker, laugh. The marketing geniuses that gave us Totes McGoat have announced the mayor’sRead More

President’s Transportation Budget Will Cost Drivers More without Improving Roads

Community News February 17, 2016 at 9:29 am

Our lame duck President’s final transportation budget is too little, too late, and wrongly focused. Throughout the Highway Bill debate, the Laborers’ International Union of North America urged Congress and the President to pass an increase in the gas tax in order to ensure funding for the Highway Trust Fund.Read More

Proposed City Wide Reassessment is Another Name for a Tax Increase  

Proposed City Wide Reassessment is Another Name for a Tax Increase  

News, Niagara Falls February 16, 2016 at 12:25 am

“If it cost $10 million dollars more to run the city than it did eight years ago, then charge me.” With those words, retired school teacher, former city Council member and a member of the Niagara Falls Financial Advisory Panel, Frank Soda advocated for what would be in effect aRead More

We told you so! City’s been abusing taxpayer casino cash all along!

Niagara Falls February 13, 2016 at 9:32 pm

Niagara Falls – My goodness, it’s been a frustrating experience, preaching about the wasteful spending habits of the Dyster administration over the past five years while no one listens. But, better late than never, people are finally noticing how Mayor Paul Dyster and council have abused casino revenue and deliveredRead More

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