
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) said, “”Each has freedom to do all that he wills provided that he infringes not the equal freedom of any other.” Was he a liberal?

A Libertarian View: War of the Words

Featured, News April 28, 2016 at 4:41 pm

by Jim Ostrowski The older I get, the more I think that politics is a battle of the dictionaries.  Whoever has the best words, wins. The political movement I have been active in for 35 years is the contemporary revival of the movement that is responsible for most of whatRead More

Grandinetti’s Cat Plan Could Apply to Her

Grandinetti’s Cat Plan Could Apply to Her

Featured, News April 21, 2016 at 1:00 pm

In reading about Council member Kristen Grandinetti’s boneheaded idea about fining or jailing people who are taking humane steps to manage the area’s feral cat population, I couldn’t help but think that it’s too bad we can’t trap, spay and release Grandinetti somewhere other than Niagara Falls.

On Kristen’s airbnb listing she posts nine pictures of the room she rents in her house on Orchard Parkway. The reviews have been favorable. There about 300 other property owners in Niagara Falls who also list rooms or apartments for rent by the night to tourists. If Kristen rents her room out for 60 nights per year she earns about $3,000 which will make a small dent in the super high property taxes she [and everyone in Niagara Falls] has to pay.  In a free society, we are trying to find anything wrong with this free enterprise.

Crackdown on Renting Rooms Makes Little Sense in City where Money is Tight

Featured, News April 21, 2016 at 12:56 pm

Airbnb is a website for people to list, find, and rent lodging. Founded in August 2008 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, the company is privately owned, and in the business of matching vacationers and business travelers with locals who want to rent out a room, apartment or house.

Double Trump

Trumping the Left

Erie County, Featured April 21, 2016 at 12:50 pm

By Jim Ostrowski What better topic to introduce my new column in this paper than Trump’s visit to Buffalo Monday night?  So there I was, in the press pen, literally walled off from the event with no food, no booze, no nothing.  What a glamorous life the media lead.  MostRead More

Dynamic Dicienzo Sharp Contrast To Dull, Plodding Hamister Here. Choice Seems Obvious

Dynamic Dicienzo Sharp Contrast To Dull, Plodding Hamister Here. Choice Seems Obvious

Featured, News April 21, 2016 at 11:48 am

Last fall, the Niagara Falls City Council agreed to sell a landlocked half-acre city owned parcel to Sheraton at the Falls owner NFNY Hotel Management for $190,000. DiCienzo confirmed that the intentions are to add a water park to the hotel that has in recent years developed a T.G.I. Fridays, Rainforest Cafe, a candy store, and a Starbucks Cafe.

The valuable downtown parcel which was given to Hamister for $100,000 remains vacant. In recent years it was used as a parking lot.

Hamister Hotel Still Dormant if Not Dead

Featured, News April 21, 2016 at 11:40 am

Buffalo developer Mark Hamister was given “preferred developer” status on a valuable piece of property on Rainbow Boulevard just a few hundred yards from the state park entrance for two reasons.

The speed limit on Hyde Park Blvd has been reduced in front of Gaskill Prep (above) from 35 to 25 mph. Meantime the speed limit in front of nearby Hyde Park Elementary is still 35 mph.

DOT, City At Odds Over Speed Limit Schoolkids Remain At Risk

Featured, News April 21, 2016 at 11:30 am

While the Hyde Park Boulevard speed limit was lowered recently in front of Gaskill Prep, a middle school, from 35 mph to 25 mph, the speed limit past Hyde Park School, serving children Pre-K through 5th grade, remains at 35 mph.

In Niagara Falls, under Council woman Kristen Grandinetti’s proposed legislation, someone who left an open can of Friskies on the back steps at night would be risking fines and jail time.

Council Tables Grandinetti’s Anti-Cat Amendments To Animal Law

Featured, Niagara Falls April 7, 2016 at 8:29 am

This week the Niagara Falls City Council tabled legislation introduced by Council member Kristen Grandinetti that would have tightened regulations for cat owners in the city, and made feeding a stray cat a criminal offense. Grandinetti’s bill seeks to amend Chapter 701 of the Codified City Ordinances, which governs ownershipRead More

Mayor Paul Dyster spent more than $700,000 of public money on a series of Hard Rock concerts. Happily, he got to emcee many of those concerts.

Mayor Dyster Talks For 90 Minutes Says Absolutely Nothing At All

Featured, Niagara Falls April 7, 2016 at 7:45 am

Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster is a man of many unique abilities. Just this past Monday, for example, he spoke before the city Council for an hour and a half without saying anything at all. “It really was astounding,” said one awestruck witness. “He just went on and on!” Ostensibly, theRead More

A small mistake - not putting up support beams in the attic led to this Centre Ave. home's collapse. Thankfully the Isaiah 61 students had left the building before the home fell down.

Isaiah 61 Struggles Despite More Than $1 Million In Public Funding

Featured, Niagara Falls April 7, 2016 at 7:43 am

  Although the city, state and various charitable organizations have thrown over $1 million at the Isaiah 61 Project since its’ inception in 2012, little has been accomplished to date. Isaiah 61 is a not for profit which receives local and state funding to rebuild rather than tear down vacantRead More

How curious: When Mayor Paul Dyster campaigned for reelection his motto was "moving forward together' and he used a fast forward button symbol. Now that he has been reelected Dyster suggests that his department heads have been holding him back.

City Hall Morale Plunges As Dyster Misses Own Deadline For Reevaluation

Featured, Niagara Falls April 7, 2016 at 7:39 am

Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster suggested last week that employees might perform better with a veritable sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. Despite running on a platform that touted his leadership skills in assembling a team of the “best and the brightest” during last year’s election, once he wasRead More

Writer Ginger Strand penned an entirely different view of Niagara Falls than the elected officials described.

International Journalists Help Us See Ourselves As Others See Us

Featured, Niagara Falls April 7, 2016 at 7:33 am

In our effort to see Niagara Falls as others see it, we’ve examined both the statistical rankings that regularly appear on internet websites devoted to such things and the views of community leaders whose livelihoods largely depend on making people think things are good or at least getting better (SeeRead More

As one can see from the aerial picture, much of downtown Niagara Falls is being utilized for parking. Oddly, parking is in demand for only three months of the year, during the tourist season; the rest of the year, the lots are mostly empty.

See Yourself As Others See You? In Falls, Parking, Crime, Taxes, Health Problematic

Featured, Niagara Falls April 7, 2016 at 7:28 am

Niagara Falls, already Number One in so many categories – is now poised to take the top spot in a competition to see which American city has squandered the most valuable real estate for use as surface parking lots, which often sit empty for large parts of the year. StreetsblogRead More

Still from The Incredicle Adventures of Jojo


Community News, Featured April 7, 2016 at 7:27 am

By Jordan Canahai An established writer, producer, and director as well as founder and President of the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival, few individuals have worked as hard to expand the film industry of Western New York as Bill Cowell. The Niagara Falls native’s passion for the arts can be tracedRead More

Vacancy and blight and not spin off greet the visitors approaching the Seneca Niagara casino 

What Were They Thinking? Seneca Casino Sucks Life From City

Featured, Niagara Falls March 31, 2016 at 10:54 am

What were they thinking? Back in 2002, when the state of New York, under the leadership of then Gov. George Pataki, handed 50 prime acres of downtown Niagara Falls real estate to the Seneca Nation of Indians to settle the Grand Island land claim and allow the Seneca to openRead More

When the Robert Moses Power Plant opened in 1961, the generation of electricity by private industry in Niagara Falls became a thing of the past. What were they thinking?

Urban Renewal, State Park, Power Project:, What Were They Thinking?

Featured, Niagara Falls March 31, 2016 at 10:53 am

Stupidity and corruption of the part of city officials in Niagara Falls isn’t a recent development. It is a tradition that goes back to even before the founding of this great metropolis, on March 17, 1897. In fact, things started going downhill as early as 1885, with the creation ofRead More

Mark Hamister is an extremely well connected businessman who has donated to a plethora of local and state wide politicians.

What Were They Thinking? Hamister Hotel Shows They Weren’t Thinking At All

Featured, Niagara Falls March 31, 2016 at 10:50 am

The Hamister Hotel deal is exactly the sort of fiasco that makes Niagara Falls such a special place. Choose a politically connected “developer” who apparently doesn’t have any money, hand him a parcel of prime real estate for pennies on the dollar, along with tax breaks and other incentives, thenRead More

From soup to nuts, the 72nd Street water main project that left residents there without running water for two winters in a row. Politicians ignored the problem until it became an issue in last year’s election. What were they thinking?

Water Board Creation Leaves to Wonder What Were They Thinking?

Featured, Niagara Falls March 31, 2016 at 10:45 am

At the behest of the Niagara Falls City Council, the New York State Legislature created the city Water Board back in 2002. Locally, the primary cheerleader for spinning off the city’s water and wastewater treatment services was Paul Dyster, then a freshman Council member and now mayor of the city.Read More

Will tourists be prohibited from experiencing Terrapin Point this summer?

Terrapin Point….Off Limits

Featured, Niagara Falls March 31, 2016 at 10:43 am

By Emma Gibbs As another tourist season approaches, the New York State Parks Office is trying to fine tune a sale pitch explaining to some eight million annual visitors why the American side viewing area of the Horseshoe Falls is off limits. Terrapin Point, located at the western end ofRead More

The Great Lakes have the greatest concentration of fresh water in the world. How much should the cities in the Great Lakes region share with the rest of the world?

Great Lakes Water Withdrawal Scheme on Cuomo’s Desk

Featured, State and National News March 31, 2016 at 10:41 am

Later this month, and for the second time during his five years in office, Gov. Andrew Cuomo will make a decision that has enormous implications for the future of Western New York’s water resources. The Governor will either deny or support the application of the small city of Waukesha, Wisconsin,Read More

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