DiLaura On FBI Director Wray’s Testimony: “He’s In Way Over His Head!”
“Wray apparently doesn’t know that the problem with the FBI is…that they do not investigate crimes anymore and haven’t since 9/11/01.”
“Wray apparently doesn’t know that the problem with the FBI is…that they do not investigate crimes anymore and haven’t since 9/11/01.”
J. Gary DiLaura has written about all the facts that Durham spent four years investigating and without lawyers and a full FBI staff!
The FBI’s mission is to investigate, not make prosecutorial decisions. Comey’s actions in the Clinton case raise important questions about his motives. Did he intentionally sabotage the investigation or authorize obstruction? The evidence suggests he wanted to protect the worst female criminal in US history. The FBI’s role is not to offer prosecutorial opinions, but to present the facts. It’s time for transparency and accountability.
Digital dollars, Bitcoin, and all forms of digital money are nothing but scams and ponzi schemes designed to gain control over you and me!
James Comey said that at every step, he was careful to avoid “politicizing” FBI investigations, but his “actions” were the exact opposite.
The Right Side WANT TO STOP GUN VIOLENCE…ENFORCE THE EXISTING LAWS! START BY INCREASING THE CHARGES AND THE BAIL! By J. Gary DiLaura, Retired FBI Agent You know there comes a time when you get sick and tired of hearing the same things…gun control…buybacks…reduce penalties…open the jails and release theRead More
The US dollar has always been backed by gold, silver, and other assets, but what backs Bitcoin and Crypto? Answer: Nothing! Be cautious.
Joe Biden misnames guns, mistakenly calling rifles used in Nashville “AK47s.” Before we outlaw “assault guns,” let’s define what they are.
BREAKING: New amendments to America’s immigration laws will take effect on May 1, 2023. Are you ready for the changes?
By J. Gary DiLaura, Retired FBI Agent Columnist J. Gary DiLaura is a decorated Retired FBI Agent and author of the explosive new book “Action…FBI Crime Fighting the Way It Was!” From Abundance to Scarcity – Misguided Policies Decimate US Energy! WE NEED ANOTHER REMINDER OF THE FACTS…! ENERGY ANDRead More
The Right Side Common Carrier Laws Can Rein In Big Tech and MSM By J. Gary DiLaura, Retired FBI Agent Columnist J. Gary DiLaura is a decorated Retired FBI Agent and author of the explosive new book “Action…FBI Crime Fighting the Way It Was!” Common Carrier Laws regulate, orRead More