Two Local Marines Observe Veterans Day

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By: Brendan McDonough

Reporter for North Tonawanda

For two local Marines, this Veterans Day is being celebrated with hope and respect for those that came before them.

“It is too honor to celebrate the fallen ones, before us, who are not able to come home during these days and to embrace all that we have today,” said Lance Corporal Le.

Le grew up Vietnam, but now calls North Tonawanda home. Coming to American when he was just nine-years-old, he is the first member of his family to serve in the military and says without knowing your past, you cannot move forward. He has been in the Marines for the past two years.

“That is what makes us Marines,” said Le, “because if we ever feel like we are not up to the task, we can stop and think back to the Marines before us and their sacrifices and we say if those Marines did it, so can we.”

Also reflecting one this Veterans Day is Lance Corporal Phengsom Phane. He grew up in Spencerport and is currently a student at Niagara University where he will graduate in May with a degree in political science.

He says too often people forget the true meaning of Veterans Day. For him, it’s a day to say thank you.

“I think it is a day to look back and thank those who served before us and think of their service and what many of them sacrificed,” said Phane. “Remembering the Marines who paid the ultimate price and carrying on the traditions they lived and died by going forward.”

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