Sports scores

Your Sports Scores

by Avner Benyamin

A number of hard fought games were played this weekend. Here are the results:

Washington Redskins* 3 Cleveland Indians http://southbuffalonews.com8

Atlanta Braves 2 Boston Celtics http://southbuffalonews.com

Houston Texans 33  Edmonton Eskimos  http://southbuffalonews.com8

Spokane Chiefs 3 Vancouver Canucks 2

Detroit Blackskins 2 New York Knicks 3

Seattle Caucasians (The Jumping White Men)  http://southbuffalonews.com8 San Francisco Yellowskins  http://southbuffalonews.com8

Washington Presidents http://southbuffalonews.com Kansas City Chiefs 2

Buffalo Brownskins 94  New England Chiefs of State 23

San Diego Vikings 43 Minnesota Italians (The ‘murdering Guidos’) 25

Cleveland Jihadists 4  Carolina Privates 23

Chicago European-Americans 32  Montreal Frenchies 22

Omaha Whiteskins 26 Wichita Orientals http://southbuffalonews.com9

Philadelphia Hindus 26   Kansas City Krauts (the Galloping Germans) http://southbuffalonews.com2

New Orleans Creoles 20  Cincinnati Gangstas 9

New York Yankees 4 Honolulu Pakis

Greece Tomahawks 34 Ithaca Snub Noses 0

Houston Gringos 78  Orlando Rednecks (The Barreling Crackers) 77

Phoenix Pale Faces 54 v Boston Blue Bloods 2

Burlington Swedes http://southbuffalonews.com45  Roanoke Roman Prelates 23

Wisconsin African Americans 2 Syracuse White Men (The Creeping Crackers)

Walla Walla Hispanics (The Shimmering Shivs) 43 The Peoria Fighting Irish 23

Cleveland Sikhs 34 The Washington Lobbyists 2

The Montana Muslims (the Mecca Mountaineers) 2 Denver Mormons (The Pulverizing Polygamists)


The New Jersey Witnesses (The Jumping Jehovah’s) and the Idaho Orientals were on bye this week.

The Toledo Jews were dropped from the semi finals having missed too many games on account of the Sabbath.

More sports scores later

*A lot of controversy has erupted over the use of the “Redskin” name.

Stayed tuned.


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