Many critics of OSHA’s new rule on respirable crystalline silica have claimed that it is “unworkable and infeasible.” Their concern is that the rule will be disruptive to businesses and end up costing jobs. The disruption the rule is creating is positive because it’s leading to demand for major advances in dust control technology. A complimentary term in business and information technology circles, “disruptive innovation” refers to innovation that creates a new market, changes an existing market and eventually displaces old ways of doing things.
This is exactly what’s happening with the new silica rule. The rule requires the use of engineering controls and work practices to reduce exposures below the permissible exposure limit (PEL) and provides direction on which types of controls are effective and preferred. This information provides manufacturers with targets that their tools have to reach in order to be used. In short, the rule incentivizes manufacturers to use safety to a competitive advantage. We no longer have to implore contractors to “buy safe” because toolmakers are beginning to promote and “sell safe” equipment that is less costly, more productive and OSHA-compliant right out of the box.
The goal of the rule was to improve the health of construction workers by reducing exposure to harmful silica dust that’s known to cause lung cancer, silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kidney disease. Now we are seeing the beginnings of other benefits as well, with new tools featuring built-in controls that can also increase productivity and create a better way of doing business.
For example, in response to the rule, manufacturers like Hilti are now offering an entire suite of cutting, sawing, grinding, coring, drilling and demolition tools with easy-to-use integrated dust removal systems. Many of the tools also fit right into Table 1, which is OSHA’s preferred method of compliance. For tasks that fall outside Table 1, manufacturers are developing tools with other disruptive technology (like hammer drills with hollow bits) and supporting them with objective data that makes compliance much easier for contractors.
LIUNA looks forward to seeing what other technological advances will be developed as a direct result of OSHA’s new silica rule. Advancements that protect workers and make compliance easier for contractors and owners benefit everyone involved and can help drive continued partnerships between labor and management.