PB&J Campaign in North Tonawanda

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By: Brendan McDonough, Reporter for North Tonawanda

It is a sandwich loved by many and this week Pete Robinson came before the North Tonawanda Common Council to collect jars of peanut butter and jelly. It is organizing a campaign to collect the canned goods and donate it to those in need. Inside City Hall dozens of jars were already collected. For Robinson collecting the jars is way to help those who need it the most.

“We only wanted jars of peanut butter and jelly and fluff. What is simply about this food is that when the power is out and you are hungry and need to feed people, you can eat this,” said Robinson.

His drive to collect peanut butter and jelly stated nearly 9 years ago at the Niagara County Courthouse and to date his has helped to feed- dozens if not thousands of people.

He has it was started by a small group of people but grew into something way beyond his expectations.

“At first we thought we would just get a couple of jars and give it to the Salvation Army and go on about our business but within a couple of days we me our 50-jar goal and within 2 weeks we had 1500 jars. People got the hint,” said Robinson.

While no bread is provided, he says the jars help people out who are in a tough situation and need something to eat to help, carry them over, if they are struggling to make ends meet.

“This also helps families that are working poor and need something to eat, or the shut-ins that might be your neighbor or the students that might be sitting next to your kid. You may not know them but this is a way that you can help them,” said Robinson.

The poverty level in North Tonawanda is around 8 percent, while in Niagara Falls it topples over 25%, Robinson says it is lower in the North Towns because people have a better understanding of food and its importance. Also, key is saying is the people in this area.

“The good news is that we have the tools to win, we have good people like the people here in North Tonawanda that help out our drive. I am so grateful for the donations today because this will actually go to families right here in the local area,” said Robinson.

If you would like to donate you can contact Pete Robinson at 716-510-7108.

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