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North Tonawanda City Hall
By: Arthur Pappas
Mayor of North Tonawanda
A debt of gratitude goes out to all N.T. Police and Fire Employees who put their lives in peril every day for our safety. A thank you also to the auxiliary Police, volunteer Firefighters for their help as well as the DPW, Parks and Rec. dept., volunteers, and grocery/medical store staff for continuing to assist us every day while isolated.
Presently, the City market remains open as an essential service but with social distancing still in effect. It is mandatory to wear facial masks and it is advisable to wear gloves when shopping there to help protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID 19.
The Bulk Pick Up is scheduled to continue the week of May 3rd but residents are asked to please put extra articles in plastic bags when possible.
Niagara County cases are still rising with 253 and 30 in NT so we have not hit the peak of infection to date. Therefore, it is imperative that everyone continue to remain compliant with the executive orders and not put others in danger of contacting the virus. With improved weather it will be difficult for families to refrain from going out unless necessary, but we must continue to remain resilient. Unfortunately, social distancing is here to stay for now. We do not want to have the entire community to be in total lockdown if the virus should return in the cooler fall weather.
All Federal. State, County, and local guidelines remain in effect. For us to enter Phase One of the Federal guidelines we will need to trace, test, isolate, first before moving into transitioning out of lockdown. As soon as social distancing is lifted the virus could spread even quicker. Please stay home as much as possible, stay calm, and stay optimistic so one day hopefully sooner than later we will return to a “new normal” lifestyle.