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North Tonawanda City Hall
By: Arthur Pappas
Mayor of North Tonawanda
As the beautiful weather we crave in WNY continues, things are beginning look much brighter. We are now in Phase II which has allowed restaurants to open outdoor seating. This has been met with much enthusiasm by the businesses and patrons alike. If we stay on schedule, we might enter Phase III next week which would include restaurants to be able to open inside with 50% capacity. Also nail salons, massage therapy and tattoo establishments will reopen with restrictions of course.
As it stands now many large events have been canceled or postponed for the summer. Memorial pool and the splash pool remain closed as well as park pavilions. The City playgrounds will now reopen so please stay safe on the equipment. The City golf course is open and the Gateway Harbor as well with restrictions. Although deemed essential the City Market continues to be a problem. Most people are wearing the required masks, but social distancing is difficult. We are working on ways to correct the situation but due to state mandates it remains a problem.
The school district has worked on a safe graduation plan that complies with the state guidelines. It is comparable with what other large schools are doing. Smaller schools may have an outdoor ceremony of no more than a total of 150 people but since we are a much larger school we do not qualify. Graduation ceremonies are under the control of the school district and the City does not set their policies. A parade for graduates has been arranged since the Governor has allowed vehicular parades with restrictions. Previously parades were not recommended by the county health department due to the seriousness of the COVID 19 cases at the time. Students are encouraged to remain in the car for safety reasons.
Garage/yard sales are now permitted but you must not have more than 10 people at a time with all wearing masks practicing social distancing as per the Governor’s order. Many States in the US are experiencing a spike in cases after they have reopened. Although things are not moving fast enough for most residents, here we MUST continue to practice the rules set in place. Our county infection rate is continuing to drop weekly which is a positive sign we are on the right track. Let’s keep it that way and hope we see the light at the end of the tunnel. Stay safe and well.