Pappas Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election in North Tonawanda

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By: Staff Reporter

The Mayor of North Tonawanda, Arthur Pappas, released a statement on Tuesday, February 9th, 2021, announcing that he would not seek re-election for mayor. The full statement is included below:


North Tonawanda Mayor Art Pappas


To residents of North Tonawanda:

This is my formal announcement that I will not be seeking re-election during this year’s upcoming election cycle.

I have always been proud of my contributions to my community through teaching, youth programs, as a school board member, among many other volunteer activities, but there was a time to move on from each of those positions and now it’s time to move on from the office of Mayor.  I am just as proud of the accomplishments we as North Tonawandans have made during my tenure.  I am able to walk away knowing economic development, despite a pandemic, is progressing well.  All of the city departments are functioning efficiently for the residents of North Tonawanda.  

Again, despite a pandemic and recession, tax increases are minimal compared to other small cities all across the state.  I am happy to be able to leave office, knowing the residents of North Tonawanda have been well represented with an open-door policy and can enjoy a high quality of life.  I am confident and happy to say my successor will have a smooth and easy transition into the role as Mayor thanks to all WE (Mayor, council, city employees, business owners, and citizens) have achieved as we enter my 7th year as Mayor of our great city.  I am looking forward to the next challenge as I hope to remain active in our community.


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