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Obama Says His Unilateral Gun-Control Actions ‘Are Entirely Consistent With 2nd Amendment’

Obama Says His Unilateral Gun-Control Actions ‘Are Entirely Consistent With 2nd Amendment’

Uncategorized January 1, 2016 at 12:00 am

<h class=”page-header”>By Staff | ( – President Barack Obama said on Monday that the measures he intends to take to curb gun ownership among those he does not believe should own guns “are entirely consistent with the Second Amendment and people’s lawful right to bear arms.” The Second AmendmentRead More

Second Amendment Watch: The Purpose of the Second Amendment against Obama’s Planned Executive Order

Second Amendment Watch: The Purpose of the Second Amendment against Obama’s Planned Executive Order

Uncategorized January 1, 2016 at 12:00 am

President Barrack Obama plans to announce he will issue an executive order to expand background checks and increase enforcement of gun control laws in the name of safety for the people. In so doing, government shall assume greater power against the people in deciding who shall not have the rights declaredRead More

Darrow stated Jury Nullification ended witch trials

Darrow stated Jury Nullification ended witch trials

Uncategorized January 1, 2016 at 12:00 am

CLARENCE DARROW (Debate with Judge Alfred J. Talley, Oct. 27, http://southbuffalonews.com924): “Why not reenact the code of Blackstone’s day? Why, the judges were all for it — every one of them — and the only way we got rid of those laws was because juries were too humane to obeyRead More

American Cruelty: L.A. County jail’s ‘potty watch’ policy comes under scrutiny

State and National News January 1, 2016 at 12:00 am

American Cruelty: L.A. County jail’s ‘potty watch’ policy comes under scrutiny Los Angeles Times | December 29, 20http://southbuffalonews.com5 Dozens of partially or fully naked inmates at a Los Angeles County jail were chained to a wall with their hands behind their backs for hours as officials waited for them to expelRead More

Anti-SAFE Act organization, SCOPE, Sues US Atty General, FBI and ATF on gun background check disclosures

Anti-SAFE Act organization, SCOPE, Sues US Atty General, FBI and ATF on gun background check disclosures

State and National News January 1, 2016 at 12:00 am

Rochester, NY – the anti-SAFE Act group is fighting back. This time they are going after the federal government’s use of information collected during background checks of gun purchasers. Activists from across the State of New York filed a civil rights case against the U.S. Attorney General, the FBI, theRead More

Catching Wild Pigs

Catching Wild Pigs

Uncategorized January 1, 2016 at 12:00 am

We received this post from Carl Paladino; it is entitled ‘Catching Wild Pigs’. The author is unknown. It is signed only as ‘KD’.  It expresses in simple language what many of us feel deeply today: the erosion of liberty through the expansion of government services to us, the once wildRead More

This just in: Hamister to break ground. Maybe. Possibly. Or maybe not.

This just in: Hamister to break ground. Maybe. Possibly. Or maybe not.

News December 31, 2015 at 8:35 pm

The Reporter, in its December 30 print edition, stuck the proverbial fork in the hind end of the Hamister hotel project as we called it “deader than dead.” The very next day council chairman Andrew Touma appeared on the Vince Anello radio show to say, during his one hour visit,Read More

Free Emergency Preparedness Training offered twice in Buffalo on January 6

Free Emergency Preparedness Training offered twice in Buffalo on January 6

Erie County December 31, 2015 at 7:38 pm

  BUFFALO- New York National Guard troops, in conjunction with the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, will be presenting a free disaster preparedness class twice on Wednesday, January 6 at the Catholic Charities office in Buffalo. The two-hour program will be held at 11 a.m. andRead More

Columbia U and LA Times joint investigation looks at ‘How Big Oil Braced for Climate Change’

Uncategorized December 31, 2015 at 7:31 pm

How Big Oil Braced for Climate Change It was two-pronged strategy: Publicly emphasize doubt about climate change science, while internally gird for rising sea levels and warming temperatures. As we told you in October, Exxon took that approach in the late 1980s. Records and interviews show the strategy was widespreadRead More

City Taxpayers Footing Bill for Scores of $100,000 Salaries Here

City Taxpayers Footing Bill for Scores of $100,000 Salaries Here

News, Niagara Falls December 31, 2015 at 11:50 am

  One hundred thousand dollars. It’s a lot of money anywhere, but in a place like Niagara Falls, where money’s tight and jobs are scarce, it can be considered a fortune. In a city where the per capita income for all residents is just $20,327 and the average household scrapesRead More

Jury Nullification Has Long History of Righting Wrong Laws

Jury Nullification Has Long History of Righting Wrong Laws

Uncategorized December 31, 2015 at 12:14 am

Below is something that somehow is not taught in public schools. It is history nonetheless and easy enough for anyone who is interested to verify. Jury ended power of Kings In 1215, when the Barons of England compelled King John to sign the Magna Carta, trial by jury was established.Read More

Print edition Dec 31

Print edition Dec 31

Uncategorized December 30, 2015 at 1:03 pm

(Click here to view the Dec 31st, print edition)

Second Amendment Watch: We Need Guns and Armed Guards, You Don’t, Say the Wealthy and Politically Connected

Second Amendment Watch: We Need Guns and Armed Guards, You Don’t, Say the Wealthy and Politically Connected

Uncategorized December 29, 2015 at 9:23 pm

  What do presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and President Obama have in common? And what do President Obama and Hillary have in common with Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City?  All three of these famous individuals have around the clock armed guards guaranteeing their personal securityRead More

The Eyes Have it as the Reporter Launches Dyster Watch 2016

The Eyes Have it as the Reporter Launches Dyster Watch 2016

News December 29, 2015 at 5:00 pm

We’re looking, we’re listening, we’re paying attention. The Reporter is watching the moves of Mayor Dyster as his re-election fades in the rear view mirror and the post-election city hall gears get greased with quid pro deals that were made pre-election. The mayor cobbled together a clumsy but ultimately effectiveRead More

   DiPizio Construction Co. Wins Major Appellate Court Ruling on Canalside Suit

   DiPizio Construction Co. Wins Major Appellate Court Ruling on Canalside Suit

Erie County, News December 29, 2015 at 4:42 pm

  The local construction company suing the state over its termination as the Canalside contractor in July of 2013 has won a major victory in the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court. In a unanimous ruling handed down last week, the court reinstated DiPizio Construction’s claim that the president ofRead More



NXIVM December 23, 2015 at 9:02 pm

>BY FRANK PARLATO During my tenure as a press consultant for purported cult leader, Keith Raniere, and his benefactors, Clare and Sara Bronfman (heiresses of the Seagram’s liquor fortune), I was tasked with improving Raniere’s public image and that of his company, NXIVM. Officially, NXIVM conducts “human potential and ethics”Read More

Grandinetti offers openness on a city council shrouded in secrecy

Grandinetti offers openness on a city council shrouded in secrecy

Uncategorized December 23, 2015 at 5:52 pm

By Anna Howard The Niagara Falls Reporter continues to catch flack for recommending Kristen Grandinetti for council chairwoman. We recommended, not once, but twice, that she be given the big chair in the council chambers. Why’d we do that? Frankly, it’s because we see her as a breath of fresh airRead More

Can the dreariness of losing in Buffalo get any more prolonged?

Can the dreariness of losing in Buffalo get any more prolonged?

Uncategorized December 23, 2015 at 5:12 pm

John Tavares (right) is retiring after an illustrious career with the Buffalo Bandits 2015: The Year In Sports > BY ANDREW KULYK AND PETER FARRELL The University of Buffalo mens basketball team finally, finally made it to the Dance and the NCAA tournament after so many years of trying. ThatRead More

Memorial, UBMD Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine to offer free baseline testing to “Concussion” attendees

Uncategorized December 23, 2015 at 5:05 pm

Memorial, UBMD Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine to offer free baseline testing to “Concussion” attendees Athletes age 12-30 with ticket stub to test free; others to receive 50% discount   The Niagara region’s leader in sports medicine and concussion management is making a special offer to athletes to celebrate the releaseRead More



Shmueli December 23, 2015 at 5:01 pm

>BY FRANK PARLATO   This week in our series on that fascinating conman, Shmuel Shmueli, we go to Shmueli’s native country Israel. Shmueli, who by our calculation has sued or was sued about two dozen times, finds it easy to participate in litigation, for win or lose he rarely paysRead More

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