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The legendary Italian actress Claudia Cardinale will be walking the red carpet Saturday night in Niagara on the Lake to attend the first North American screening of Sarah Jessica Parker’s new movie, “All Roads Lead to Rome,” a part of the Niagara Integrated Film Festival.

World Class Film Festival Destined For Niagara Frontier Seems Likely

Featured, News June 16, 2016 at 9:58 am

by Mike Hudson Talks currently underway between the principals of the Buffalo Niagara International Film Festival and the Niagara Integrated Film Festival held in St. Catharines, Ont., are aimed at consolidating the two events, creating a new and unique cinematic showcase that would be truly international in scope. “The filmmakersRead More

Crooked Hillary Clinton, dba  , Sec of State, Endorsed by king (with a small k) Obama

Crooked Hillary Clinton, dba , Sec of State, Endorsed by king (with a small k) Obama

Featured, News June 16, 2016 at 9:55 am

by J. Gary DiLaura Obama is providing more evidence of two things I’ve been alleging regarding the king (with a small k). First, he had no intention of “honoring his oath” to our Constitution because he IS a Muslim and he, himself, committed so many criminal acts as president thatRead More

Your Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope

Featured June 16, 2016 at 9:53 am

Aries: (March 21 – April 19) Your personality resembles a Labrador’s nose: cold, black, and wet. You are as slick as a broken egg on a linoleum floor. Ordering an extra shot of espresso in your grande non-fat sugar free one pump raspberry syrup two pumps vanilla syrup soy latteRead More

Print Edition 6.9.16

Print Edition 6.9.16

News, Online Newspaper June 9, 2016 at 11:00 am
For years Hamister has promised to start building his ever cheaper hotel.

Will Taxpayers Bear The Burden Of Building Mark Hamister’s New Hotel?

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:56 am

by Mike Hudson The story of Mark Hamister and the little hotel he’s been trying to build in downtown Niagara Falls for the past three years gets stranger with each passing month. Last week, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has benefited from Hamister’s campaign contributions in the past, announced that theRead More

For years Hamister has promised to start building his ever cheaper hotel.

Hamister Project To Get In The Way Of Better Use Of Rainbow Blvd. Land?

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:54 am

by Mike Hudson The problem in Niagara Falls isn’t that there aren’t enough hotel rooms. From luxury accommodations at Carl Paladino’s beautiful Giacomo Hotel or the Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino to the Niagara Falls Boulevard Strip, where rooms can be had for well under $50 a night, there isRead More

Clifton Hill offer night and daytime excitement after one sees the falls.

Hamister Hotel Deal A Sad Tale Of New York Politics Gone Wrong

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:49 am

by Mike Hudson How in the heck is this not fraud? The Hamister hotel deal has been cooked up since Day 1, by a so-called developer from Buffalo and his political cronies in Niagara Falls, Albany and Washington D.C. The murky 2012 process under which Mark Hamister was chosen asRead More

West Seneca Boots Sex Offenders: What’s Wrong With Niagara Falls?

West Seneca Boots Sex Offenders: What’s Wrong With Niagara Falls?

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:42 am

by Mike Hudson What are local government officials to do when the state starts surreptitiously sending dangerous registered sex offenders to live in their municipality? To hear Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster tell it, there is nothing that can be done about it. Dyster, who once quipped that sex offendersRead More

Brown Not Likely To Stay On As City Controller Vote Will Not Likely Take Place At Next Council Meeting

Brown Not Likely To Stay On As City Controller Vote Will Not Likely Take Place At Next Council Meeting

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:40 am

by Joseph Kissel Although it’s rumored Maria Brown doesn’t want to keep her job as city controller due to all the political wrangling necessary to keep it, there’s no resolution likely to be presented at Monday’s city council meeting to remove her from it. Brown and the city are stillRead More

State Parks Declares “War on Trees”.

State Parks Declares “War on Trees”.

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:37 am

by James Hufnagel “I think that I shall never see, A poem lovely as a tree,” penned Joyce Kilmer a century ago. Somebody should tell New York State Parks that. The past couple of years the state agency has been working overtime to clear-cut trees in some of its mostRead More

Even In N.H. Defeat, Jury Nullification Movement Gaining Momentum

Even In N.H. Defeat, Jury Nullification Movement Gaining Momentum

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:32 am

by Frank Parlato Most jurors and the juries they comprise don’t realize they have this right: It might be ascribed to the colossal dumbing-down of America that such an essential and historical freedom principle has been largely forgotten in the land of the free. The right to invalidate a lawRead More

Northpointe wants to place a methadone clinic in this building in a residential area in Niagara Falls.

Northpointe Council, Inc. Announcement Raises More Questions Than Answers

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:25 am

The outrage that began to brew this past winter over the Northpointe Council, Inc.’s plans to relocate their methadone clinic at 606 6th Street is about to rise to a fever pitch again. On Tuesday, June 7, Northpointe’s Executive Director Dan Shubsda, in a defiant interview appearance on WGRZ-TV, suggestedRead More

Parking Meter fiasco Plays Itself Out On Taxpayers’ Dime

Parking Meter fiasco Plays Itself Out On Taxpayers’ Dime

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:23 am

by Mike Hudson Three dollar an hour parking meters? You bet. Not in Los Angeles, where parking meter rates average $1.75 an hour. New York City has some meters that charge as much as $3.50 an hour in lower Manhattan, but throughout most of the Five Boroughs the rate isRead More

Horoscopes – by Jean Topascani

Horoscopes – by Jean Topascani

Uncategorized June 9, 2016 at 10:19 am

Aries: (March 21 – April 19) Venus 18°23’14 in 7th. Marry first person you meet, regardless of gender, who is less intelligent than you. Stars aid you in becoming less boring. Your business clothes will have a neater, cleaner, shinier appearance if you stop sleeping in them. AM: Don’t smokeRead More

Hillary…Benghazi…The Saudi Connection

Hillary…Benghazi…The Saudi Connection

Featured, News June 9, 2016 at 10:16 am

by J. Gary Dilaura Several good investigative reporters have researched and identified many details regarding Hillary Clinton’s activities before, during and after her reign of terror as Secretary of State. None have done as good a job “putting together “ the details as a young man named  Chetan Hebbale, fromRead More

Almost every building near the tax free Seneca Casino complex is vacant,

The Audacity Of Hope And Another Cruel Joke On Us

Featured, News June 2, 2016 at 10:59 am

by Matt Ricchiazzi It was 15 years ago when then Governor George E. Pataki – seeking reelection to his third term – promised to transform Niagara Falls. The crux of his revival plan rested in a 2001 casino compact with the Seneca Nation of Indians that granted the Nation sovereign jurisdiction overRead More

Mug shot of Alphonse Cutaia

Pictures Of Biker Charged With Sex Abuse Suddenly Disappear From Internet

Featured, News June 2, 2016 at 10:41 am

by Frank Parlato A curious happenstance that is perhaps worth noting  occurred during the Memorial Day parade in Niagara Falls. It was a parade indeed and like all parades it had both a procession of people, marching or riding in floats, and those who watched them. Some of the marchersRead More

The potential for the Discover Niagara shuttle to convey tourists out of downtown Niagara Falls, ensuring that the city remains poor and on the brink of insolvency, is in Assemblyman John Ceretto’s estimation, “HUUUGE!”

New Shuttle Service Latest Nail in Downtown Niagara Falls Coffin

Featured, News June 2, 2016 at 10:36 am

by James Hufnagel We took a closer look at the new “Discover Niagara Shuttle”, which made a big splash two weeks ago to the unbridled enthusiasm of the politicians and their invited guests at the Robert Moses Power Project, and came up with some serious questions regarding the logistics ofRead More

On And Off The New  Nonsense Shuttle

On And Off The New Nonsense Shuttle

Featured, News June 2, 2016 at 10:34 am

 by James Hufnagel Earlier this week I went for a ride on the Discover Niagara Shuttle, so as to be able to give a first-hand account of the experience to you, the reader. I asked the driver if I had enough time to run over to the NTCC Visitors CenterRead More

Because of the severe drug problems in government schools, the courts have bestowed great power on administrators to become drug enforcers.

The Best Drug Store in Town

Featured, News June 2, 2016 at 10:25 am

by Jim Ostrowski It is in the nature of progressivism as a failed ideology to endlessly search for scapegoats for its failed policies or face ideological suicide by admitting the problem is itself.  Progressivism is a kind of self-imposed mental disability that prevents progressives from ever admitting that their policiesRead More

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