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The budget passed! Here are a few highlights of what to expect:
North Tonawanda School District
To increase the total amount to $77,887,449, which is $4,395,836 more than the previous academic year. In addition, they pro- pose to increase the tax levy by 1.98 percent, totaling $28,601,055. This increase would add an estimated additional cost of $44.18 to a $100,000 household.
To replace a 22-passenger wheelchair bus and 6-passenger vehicle to be used for student transportation.
For or a $100,000 Aidable Capital Outlay Project, of which New York State would reimburse 84 percent, to address security measures in school buildings.
This proposed budget would also restore art classes for kindergarten and first grade, fourth-grade band, elementary counselors, special education teachers for grades K-6, and a 21st century skills librarian to assist grades 4-6 in their STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) curriculum.