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By: Brendan McDonough
Reporter for North Tonawanda
A new set of rules could soon be on display at the North Tonawanda public market. Members of the Common Council say they will soon be establishing a committee to set specific policies and procedures for people to follow at the market. Councilmembers say there are some rules but none of them are on display. The decision to set up a committee came after a meeting with vendors and hearing the concerns that they had.
“We had a vendor market meeting a while back and one of the issues was that there was no set rules and regulations of any sort,” said Matt Perish, Clerk-Treasurer.
Perish says the rules and policies will be based on other city markets. He says they looked at the “Rochester Public Market” and said they are modeling it off the policies and procedures they have in place.
“I had a meeting with the vendors about a year and a half ago and their complaint was the lack of rules and regulations,” said Donna Braun, Second Ward Alderman. “They also would like to see different improvements made at the market.”
Last summer members of the Common Council banned people from bringing dogs and other pets to the market. However, people still bring them and members of the Council are hoping with better signs people will not only follow the policies but learn more about what is and is not allowed.
The motion to form the committee was passed by the council. It has not been decided who will be on the committee or what other rules and policies they will be developing.
Also passed was a motion to have a County Music Festival in North Tonawanda. It will be the first time the City has had an event like this.
For those of you following, getting the City to hold the event has not been an easy feat. At first promoters wanted to have a three day event, but after much discussion it was moved down to a two day event.
Also at issue was the number of people potentially sleeping at Gratwick Park and paying for police presence at the event. Ultimately, members of the Common Council passed the resolution. The Music Festival will be held August 10th and 11th.