North Tonawanda Proclamation Praises Residents for Census Participation

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By: Staff Reporter

A proclamation was given thanking the residents of North Tonawanda for being proactive with the 2020 Census. “The United States Census has been ongoing and is important to note this means a lot to our community” Alderman Robert Pecoraro said. “I personally want to thank Karl Bauer, a 2020 Census Enumerator, for bringing this to our attention. Although we are successful, we need to push the census across the goal line. Our attempt to make everyone count is needed.”

The Census determines NYS representation in Congress. It influences deferral funding for essential programs in education, public transit systems, highway planning, community development, etc. NYS pays more in taxes than 47 other states, however, receives only 90 cents for every tax dollar paid, well below the $1.21 that is the national average.

If we are undercounted, we risk communities going without needed resources. To date, NY State is rated 36th of the 50 states at 60.5% response rate. Niagara County is #2 in reporting of 62 counties (69.3% response rate). North Tonawanda is rated 48th at 71.8% response rate of 597 NYS cities.

The Mayor’s office and Common Council extend our deepest appreciation to the residents of North Tonawanda for their reporting on the 2020 Census and encourage those who have yet to be counted to do immediately.


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