North Tonawanda Fall Festival

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By: Brendan McDonough

Reporter for North Tonawanda

Fall feelings were in the air this past weekend in North Tonawanda as members of the Park Department held their annual Fall Festival.

Inside the North Tonawanda Intermediate School more than 30 vendors set up shop hoping to show residents everything they have to offer.

Organizers have been holding the event for the past seven years and money raised for the event will help benefit the youth board.

“It is our main fundraiser for the youth board,” said Alex Domaradzki, Event Organizer. “We use it help with student government day, post prom breakfast, and for scholarships. It’s really the scholarships where a lot of the money from this event will be going.”



There was also plenty for kids, too.

Lined up outside were firetrucks where fireman helped educate kids about fire safety and what they do. Inside there was a kid-friendly donut eating contest, bounce house, and more.

There was truly a little bit of everything for everyone.

“We got a lot of kids activities, a wood carver outside, food and beverage sale;  it is just something nice for people to come out and do in the fall,” said Domaradzki.

Organizers says next year they are hoping the event will be even bigger.


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