North Tonawanda Comic Book Art Show a Success

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By: Brendan McDonough

Reporter for North Tonawanda

From Batman to Wonder Woman, it was a comic book lovers dream.

At the Carnegie Arts Center in North Tonawanda organizers held a Comic Book Art show. Deed Dewey, the event organizer, said he took on the leadership role for his dad.

“It was my father’s dream to hold the event,” said Dewey, “but sadly he passed away a year and a half ago.”

Young or old, the event offered something for everyone.

On display were comic books from the 1930’s and beyond.

“I think the most recent one we have is from adventure time which was 2010. It’s mostly original art. We have a few classic comics such as the first appearance of Thor, Ironman, The Avengers, and etc. We have so many fun things here and a lot of history too,” said Dewey.

The stories and artwork seemed to leap off the pages and into people’s hearts. Organizers say everyone needs a hero.



“When you have characters like Superman and Captain America, who came out during World War II, they were American heroes at a time when people needed them the most. You get characters like Spiderman, Fantastic Four and the Incredible Hulk; those are all spawn from the cold war era,” said Dewey.

For many North Tonawanda residents, seeing the show was a dream come true.

“A lot of these I have actually touched, held in my hands and helped opened the boxes. It was the biggest thrill,” said Michael Lamanna, North Tonawanda Resident. “How many people in the world can say that they have held these original pieces of art? Not many.”

For others it was a thrill to see how comic books and the superhero’s in them have changed over the years.

“To see stuff from the 1950’s up to the the 2000’s, and how it has changed over time, is really cool,” said Joe Griffo, North Tonawanda Resident.

There was also face painting, food and raffles at the event. Some of the items given away were pretty rare, too.



There is no doubt another focus of the event was to encourage residents to find their own passion for comic books and to start their own collections.

“I told my son,” said Keith Fedler, North Tonawanda resident, “that I wish I had saved some of my old comic books from when I was a kid. My son started collecting a few years ago and already has well over 1,000 copies. It’s incredible how infectious, and rewarding, collecting can be.”

Kids also got a lesson on how to create their own comic book covers; coming up with their own characters and story lines or using existing ones.

Through art, organizers say children can learn lifelong lessons.

“It encourages kids to draw and understand that art can be wonderful entertainment,” said Carlos Torres, illustrator and art teacher. “Everyone recalls when they first discovered how to create something with a utensil – either a pen, pencil or whatever it was – and I believe that everyone has the ability to continue doing it. You just have to feel inspired to do it.”

Dewey says he had not planned on holding another comic book show next year but if he does, he says it will focus on the “art of war.”


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