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A Press Release from the City of North Tonawanda
This message is to update you on current issues in our City. As previously stated, the State of Emergency Act remains in effect which means all closures are still enforced.
Thank you, residents for adhering to these guidelines. The number of cases in Niagara County continues to rise as well as directly in North Tonawanda. We have a 1 year old to an 83-year-old person with confirmed virus in Niagara County, so age is not a factor. As these numbers increase it is now irrelevant to where the contagious person has been because the virus is everywhere.
It is most imperative that you do not go out unless it is an emergency. For these reasons we need to take every precaution possible to keep this number from increasing dramatically. If we were to take less actions as some think we should, our numbers would, according to the medical field, increase dramatically. Since this time period has been extended by the Federal Government until at least the end of April all City departments are working at a minimum of employees and adjustments are being made.
With that said the BULK TRASH PICKUP for April has been CANCELLED. Please refrain from putting those items out. The downtown construction area at Webster and Main Streets has had to be postponed due to the Governor’s orders. As soon as it is deemed safe the construction will cease and traffic will be routed as normal.
These are unprecedented times which call for strict measures for health and safety of all. Please be assured the City will continue to operate during this pandemic. Your cooperation and support will see us through this frustrating and challenging period.
Please keep first responders, medical staff, Postal employees, food workers and suppliers, and all those volunteering in your thoughts. We are so grateful for the blessings they provide us. Again, stay home, stay well, and stay positive.