New Salvation Army Leaders Have Strong Ties to Niagara Falls.

Captains Delia and Stephen Carrol.

Captains Delia and Stephen Carrol.

The Salvation Army has appointed Captains Delia and Stephen Carroll as the new commanding officers (ordained ministers) for its Niagara Falls Corps located at 7018 Buffalo Avenue.

The Carrolls have been officers in The Salvation Army for 12 years. They have served as The Salvation Army leaders in Staten Island NY, Providence RI, and Springfield OH and youth work in the 28 counties of western Pennsylvania.

Both Carrolls come from Salvation Army families.

Prior to entering The Salvation Army’s College for Officer Training in 2002, Captain Delia worked as the Administrative Assistant for The Salvation Army’s ‘Project 117’ (School for Youth Ministry and Mission) and Captain Stephen worked as the Youth Ministry Director for Rockland County, New York.

As a result of their experiences at Ground Zero on 9/11/2001, the Carrolls committed their lives to the service of God as officers in The Salvation Army.

“We were already considering God’s direction in our lives” explains Captain Stephen “but 9/11 was a real wake up call. We couldn’t see ourselves serving in any other capacity than ‘all in’.”

The Carrolls have family ties to the city of Niagara Falls. Captain Delia’s great grandparents, Charles and Mary Moore, directed The Salvation Army’s Griffin Manor outreach programs in the 1940’s.

Captain Stephen’s mother was one of the children impacted by the outreach programs.

“My mom went on to become a Salvation Army officer and positively affected thousands of lives during her 45 years of service” explained Captain Stephen, “and it all started with a girl who had a rough home life in a bad neighborhood and a team of Salvation Army volunteers who were willing to love her.”

The Carrolls, with their four young sons, arrived in town on July 1.


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