Holiday Shopping Safety in North Tonawanda

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By: Brendan McDonough

Reporter for North Tonawanda

The holiday shopping season is one of the busiest times of the year and it can also be one of the most dangerous. Law Enforcement Officials across North Tonawanda are urging people to take a few extra steps to help make this holiday season a little safer. Retired North Tonawanda Police officer

Edward Smolinki says first and for-most people need to extra careful when out driving.

“We have different things going on during the holiday season, the first is driving wise, street wise be careful driving because the weather could be bad. Especially around areas like Webster Street people need to be aware of people walking,” said Smolinski.

More people are out and about shopping and also attending holiday parties. With that comes increased alcohol consumption.

“Also, with the Holiday season you got more people drinking, be wary at night when you are driving for DWI’s. If you see something is not right call the police and let them know,” said Smolinsky.

Another problem that he has is very common and even something that happened to his family, is thieves stealing packages from your front door.

“My daughter had a notebook delivered and someone grabbed it before we got it. A neighbor of mine had something stolen also. How we can stop that is just be more aware of what is going on in your neighborhood, just look- out for your neighbors, look- out for your friends, just look out for one another. As a police department it is literally impossible to be everywhere at the same time. We can’t be following the UPS trucks but this is something that has been going on for years but for some reason it has been picking up even more this year,” said Smolinsky.

It’s not just on your door step but he says people have to be more aware of the holiday gifts that they keep in their cars.

“It happens all year round and with all the work I did with the Department you definitely see a slight increase in car break-in’s, you might not always hear about it but there are packages being stolen and it is unfortunately that time of year when people are short on money are looking for ways to make money,” said Smolinsky.

Just a few tips from one local law enforcement expert that he hopes will help to make the holidays a little safer for people across North Tonawanda.

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