Flynn Endorsement Expected Saturday; Flaherty Vows to Fight On

John Flynn             ...endorsement Saturday

John Flynn
…endorsement Saturday


As we have been reporting for the last several weeks, Tonawanda Town Attorney John Flynn appears to have locked up the Erie County Democratic Party’s endorsement for district attorney, and he is expected to officially get the nod at the Executive Committee’s meeting on Saturday (Feb. 13).

Sources say Flynn, a Tonawanda political heavyweight and former town judge is the first choice of the party over Acting DA Mike Flaherty and former assistant district attorney Mark Sacha, a strong critic of former DA Frank Sedita who Flaherty served as first deputy.

The job of district attorney is one of the most coveted positions in the county, and while he may not receive the party’s backing, Flaherty has already put together a war chest that is approaching $400,000 and he says he’s in the race to stay no matter the party’s vote on Saturday.

Flaherty says he believes the party’s more informed leaders may still have second thoughts about endorsing someone “who is going to lose,” and is holding out hope he may still prevail in the voting although sources say that Flynn has the endorsement locked up.

The acting DA says over the last several weeks he has established himself as an independent and professional prosecutor who has formed the office’s first public integrity unit and vowed to take a second look at some cases that his predecessor declined to pursue.

John Flynn, who has had a long and successful run in the Town of Tonawanda, is seen as a favorite of party regulars and enjoys the strong backing of the town’s Democratic organization headed by John Crangle, nephew of longtime Democratic Chairman Joe Crangle.  Flynn said last Saturday at the Conservative chairman’s breakfast in Lackawanna that he is getting his team ready to start raising money and make the case of why he is the best choice for district attorney during what is expected to be a bruising primary battle with Flaherty.

Conservative Chairman Ralph Lorigo is expected to sit on the sidelines for now as the Flynn and Flaherty camps go at each other over the next several weeks.  There’s no sign of a Republican candidate as yet although the name of attorney Mark Arcara, nephew of U. S. Judge Richard Arcara, himself a former DA, has been heard in some circles.  Former State Attorney General Dennis Vacco, who has been tapped by GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy to head a search committee for a Republican candidate, is staying mum.

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