Chery McMahon Seeks Re-Election to NT School Board

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Chery McMahon Seeks Re-Election to NT School Board



Cheryl McMahon, a 25-year resident of North Tonawanda and current Vice President of the school board, is running for her second term in office.

McMahon has a background in social work, earning her bachelor’s degree from Empire State College in human resources and a master’s degree from Canisius College in community and school health.

McMahon has said there are a number of projects that, if re-elected, she would like “to follow through on.”

“We’re starting a whole new chapter in the North Tonawanda district,” she said. “With changing our middle schools and elementary schools, and there’s a lot of great things happening in those areas, so I’d like to follow through with all the new changes and happenings.”

“This is the first time in a long time where we can really start putting programs back in place, which I’m very excited about, and put a concentration on things our children need for mental health which, is really dear to my heart.”

Enhancing the classroom experience for special education students across the district is another issue McMahon is dedicated to seeing through.

Additionally, McMahon hopes to continue her push to bring back music and art programs for the young students.

“I always like to see the big picture,” said McMahon. “There’s an issue for children that are being bullied and there’s an issue for kids that bully.”

“It all comes down to what’s happening in their life at the time. I see a lot of things in my job that I know can be corrected and helped by people caring and trying to work with outreach and different services that people need.”

McMahon believes that “school is the epicenter of your community” and “would like to see a lot more community involvement” in the future.








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