In Case You Missed It: North Tonawanda July 3rd Common Council Meeting

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By: Brendan McDonough

Reporter for North Tonawanda

The night began by honoring two “outstanding and talented” North Tonawanda girl scouts for their community service. City leaders recognized Noel Nickerson and Gabrielle Schrock for their leadership by awarding them the ‘gold star award.’ It is one of the highest honors a girl scout can get and only a small percentage of young women ever obtain it.

City leaders also approved a request from the city engineer for publication of a notice to construct sixteen new four-unit town homes at 1100 Sweeney Street.

The project was not without opposition as some city residents believed the space should remain green.

Also notable was the appointment of Mark J LaDuca as a firefighter for the North Tonawanda Fire Department. He is the newest member of the department and was warmly welcomed by members of the fire department and common council members.

The Common Council will be holding a workshop on July 10th to talk about more city issues. A detailed agenda is included below.


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