What’s ahead for Big Al Cutaia, convicted child molester of little girl?

Alfonso ‘Big Al’ Cutaia had a sudden change of lifestyle after he was arrested for sexually molesting a 10 year old girl about a year ago. He was biker. His moniker was ‘Thunder. Everyone called him ‘Big Al.”

Earlier this month, Judge Matt Murphy sentenced him to 25 years to life in prison after a jury of six men and six women found him guilty of abusing the little girl for three years, from the time she was seven,

Ahead of Big Al is a steel, razor wire, and a concrete house.

He will be locked in a cell. At the bottom of the prison barrel is the spineless sex offender.

Of burglars, embezzlers, arsonists, robbers, blackmailers, extortionists, murderers, even those who sell drugs to the young, a sex offender is in prison considered the lowest scum.

The prisoners abhor him. And the guards are his enemies. Every prison official, all staff, all inmates are enemies.  Don’t make eye contact and they’ll leave you alone. He can come out of his cell to the prison chapel and carry his Bible, but his days of making little girls promises to keep secrets are gone.

Tranquilizers, sex-offender treatment, confess your crime, behavior modification, prison psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors. Medication is what is ahead.


No more leather vest, or moniker patch; he will never be alone with a child again for as long as he lives and quite as likely never ride the open road.

Ahead for Big Al is an orange jump suit and a number. He will eat when he’s told and sleep when he can.

On the outside, there are at some children who won’t likely forget when they see a bike or a leather jacket and remember the promise of candy, or a summer bike ride with Big Al, then the hairy hands and putrid breath and the dark room.

People saw Big Al at so many bike gatherings for charity that he was almost a fixture on his bike, oftentimes with a child riding in the back. But Big Al saw a fork in the road and jumped the wrong way. If we see him again, decades from now, he will be a pale, old, broken man.

Judge Murphy sentenced him to 25 years to life which means he will be released either when he is bent or dead.


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