Tow Truck Fee Increase Comes to Fruition; City Council Resolution Expected to Pass

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City Council to Vote to Increase Fee from $150 per year to $1,000 per year; Adds $25 Fee Paid to City for Each Vehicle Towed on Behalf of NFPD


By: Nicholas D. D’Angelo

Earlier this month the Niagara Reporter reported that sources inside City Hall said that a possible fee-increase was on the table for tow truck operators in Niagara Falls.

The fee, which tow truck operators pay to be on an authorized tow list that Niagara Falls Police Officers use when utilizing a tow company’s services, is currently $300 every other year, or $150 per year, and mirrors the county rate.

Initial reports indicated that the mayor’s office wished to raise the rate to $5,000.00 per year.

“That didn’t go very far,” said Niagara Falls City Councilman Kenny Tompkins, “and the proposal at that amount was pulled.”

The next proposed number was “$2,500,” said Councilman Tompkins, who intended on getting “them down to $1,500.”

According to the City Council agenda for Wednesday April 25th, 2018, the finalized proposal which will be voted on raises the rate tow truck operators pay to be on the city’s authorized list to $1,000 per year.

In addition to the rate increase, tow truck operators will be required to pay a $25 fee to the city each time a vehicle is towed on behalf of the Niagara Falls Police Department.

According to sources in City Hall, the resolution is expected to pass and my generate an additional $10,000 per year.



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