The Buffalo Zoo is inviting the community to help choose one of three names for the new infant gorilla.
The infant was born on Sunday, January 10 at 11:04 p.m. to mother, 18-year-old Sydney, and father, 28-year-old Koga. Sydney, as these pictures reveal, has displayed strong maternal instincts and is taking great care of the troop’s latest addition.
Last week, the Zoo’s gorilla keepers were able to determine that the baby is a boy. They have narrowed a list of possible names down to their top three choices, and are now asking the Western New York community to assist with the final decision!
The three
Kayin (means “celebrated child” in the Yoruba language.)
K.J. (Koga Jr.)
Mossaka (a city in the Republic of Congo. Nickname “Mo.”)
To participate, visit, or the Zoo’s Facebook page.
The Zoo will announce the winning name during their “APEril” Zooper Saturday event on April 2, 2016.
You can visit the infant along with the rest of the gorilla troop every day in the Zoo’s gorilla house.
Photos: Wendy Spindelman