A Tax Increase – The Hallmark of a Dyster Budget

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Mayor Paul Dyster has announced that in his new proposed budget he would be cutting taxes throughout the City.

At first glance, it doesn’t look too bad.

The proposed 2019 budget includes a $2.5 million reduction in property taxes (13% residential and 3% commercial). This essentially means homeowners would see roughly a $50 savings.

But Mayor Dyster also announced his plan to increase “revenue” via a garbage “user fee” which he estimates will bring in $3.1 – $3.5 million – or about $190 per household .

Let’s do the math:

If you save $50 on your property taxes, but then have to pay a new $190 garbage “user fee,” – in reality you are going to be paying an additional $140 per year.

Though Dyster touts the cut in taxes, to us, here at the Reporter, we see this not as a cut but instead rather a large increase.

Perhaps you see it differently.

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