Post Tagged with: "event center"

Mayor Restaino Ignores Experts: Red Flags Surround Event Center Plans

Mayor Restaino Ignores Experts: Red Flags Surround Event Center Plans

The following was written by investigative journalist Ken Cosentino. It’s been two years since the former director of the Niagara University’s Global Tourism Institute, Pat Whalen, warned us about the looming tax burden Mayor Restaino’s Centennial Park and event center will inevitably create for us. Despite these warnings, our mayorRead More

Analyzing the Market for a new Niagara Falls Event Center

Analyzing the Market for a new Niagara Falls Event Center

The following was written by investigative journalist Ken Cosentino. Live entertainment experts such as Christian Printup have voiced their opinions in opposition of Mayor Restaino’s proposed event center in Niagara Falls, NY. One of their key arguments as to whether or not this project is even feasible involves the saturatedRead More

Experts Warn Against Using Public Funds for Event Center

Experts Warn Against Using Public Funds for Event Center

The following was written by investigative journalist Ken Cosentino. This past Friday, the Niagara Gazette’s investigative journalist Mark Scheer published an editorial entitled “Economists on sports venue public financing: ‘read the fine print’.” Scheer astutely compared expert analyses on the public funding of the new Buffalo Bills stadium with MayorRead More

Vincent Cauley Challenges Mayor’s Planned Misuse of CDBG Funds for Event Center

Vincent Cauley Challenges Mayor’s Planned Misuse of CDBG Funds for Event Center

Featured, Ken Cosentino, Local News, News, Niagara Falls, Parcel 0 November 2, 2023 at 4:30 pm

The following was written by investigative journalist Ken Cosentino. Last night’s city council meeting was further proof that Mayor Restaino’s proposed use of CDBG funds for purchasing Parcel 0 is still on the table. Last night, Councilmember Vincent Cauley attempted to rescind the authority the council granted the Mayor lastRead More

Weighing the Economic Impact of an Event Center vs. Digital Campus

Weighing the Economic Impact of an Event Center vs. Digital Campus

Data Campus, Ken Cosentino, Local News, News October 3, 2023 at 9:46 pm

The following was written by investigative journalist Ken Cosentino. As the mayoral election draws nearer in the city of Niagara Falls, one can’t help but wonder what will happen if Mayor Robert Restaino gets re-elected. Aside from Mayor Restaino dishing out small business grants to locals in exchange for votesRead More

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