State of Emergency Declared in Niagara Falls by Mayor Robert M. Restaino

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Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino.


By: Robert M. Restaino

Mayor of Niagara Falls 

On March 18, 2020 the previous public health emergency was modified to a general state of emergency so as to provide for additional actions that may be necessary for public health and safety.

  • Effective Thursday March 19th all City Buildings will be closed to the public until further notice. We ask that if you have City business to please contact the City department you have business with by phone, mail or e-mail.
  • Effective Thursday March 19th if you need to contact the Police Department for a background check you can call the Records Office at 286-4534. If you need a copy of an accident report you can go on the City’s website at the Police Department web page to receive a report.
  • Parking restrictions such as alternate parking and time limited parking are waived at this time until further notice effective today with the exception of handicapped parking. 
  • The Council Meeting scheduled for Wednesday March 25th will be closed to the public. The public will be able to e-mail comments on Agenda items and For The Good of the City at
  • Any property owners seeking information regarding Assessments, ownership, or any exemption information, please contact the Assessor’s Office at 286-4380. Most property information can be found at

 With the first identified case of coronavirus here in the western region of Niagara County, these measures are being taken for the health and welfare of our residents and our City employees.


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