Standing Room Only At Wojtaszek Fundraiser

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A crowd estimated at between 400 and 500 people turned out for the Caroline Wojtaszek fundraiser Thursday night at the Wurlitzer Building in North Tonawanda. DA Wojtaszek announced last week that she will run next year for the seat now held by County Judge Sara Sheldon who will reach the mandatory retirement age of 70 in 2021.

Wojtaszek, humble and clearly honored by the overwhelming support Thursday night, said she has been proud to serve as the county’s first female district attorney but added she believes her years as a prosecutor have prepared her well to serve the public on the county court bench, and that’s the job she is a seeking. Wojtaszek is s Democrat but Thursday’s turnout signaled her strong support among Republicans and all minor parties as well.



Her husband is former County GOP Chairman Henry Wojtaszek who is now CEO of Batavia Downs WROTB and gaming.

“It was a clear sign of the strong support she has,” said Henry as he joined his wife in saying hello to as many partygoers as possible.

Wojtaszek will seek the support of all political parties in her quest for a judicial seat.  Judging from Thursday’s turnout, she’s off to a great start.



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