Schoellkopf Health Center begins In-Person Visitation

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By: Staff Reporter

It’s been a year in the making but Ken Kenney was finally reunited with his wife Nancy on Thursday when Schoellkopf Health Center resumed in-person visitation at the facility.

While the happy couple of 35 years saw each other last year when Schoellkopf hosted window visits, this is the first time since March 2020 that they have sat together in the same room, and the joy on their faces was undeniable.

With in-person visitation resumed, visitors must enter through Schoellkopf and are limited to 30 minutes with up to 2 visitors per resident. In addition, while visits are allowed to take place in resident rooms, social distancing of at least 6 feet is required, face masks must be worn, and proper hand hygiene must be followed. Visitors will also be asked to sign-in, get temperature read, and review a fact sheet regarding visitation guidelines.

Scheduled visitation hours will vary and are subject to change. For more information please call 278-4591.

Please note that as per NYS guidance, any new admission is prohibited from in-person visits for the first 14 days of their stay as they are considered to be in a quarantine period.

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