The media juggernaut continues – and even 10,000 airings of The Contender to helpless ESPians won’t stop them from noticing.
Today, so far, we have Rolling Stone Magazine, Dr. Oz [TV], Medias Presse [France], LA Times, Top Celebrity Magazine and others all reporting on the cult of Keith Raniere. Ironically, NXIVM’s use of celebrities to recruit more members is fueling much of the publicity.
The same article that appears in Rolling Stone also appears in Top Celebrity Mag.
The LA Times reports: “The Dr. Oz Show: Women have reported being tortured by NXIVM, which may be an underground cult in disguise….”
Dr. Oz, whose popular TV show has branched into investigative journalism, calls his work on NXIVM “…one of the biggest investigations we have ever done.”
Dr. Oz’s crime correspondent, , visited Albany, to investigate NXIVM.
Guests include Albany Times Union Senior Investigative Reporter, Brendan Lyons, Toni Natalie, Susan Dones, attorney Peter Skolnik, and cult expert, Rick Ross.
Here is a link to the first roughly four minutes of the 30 minute segment on Dr. Oz. The entire episode, I am told, will be available online. Based on the first few minutes, it will be explosive.
[By the way, the man whose face is blurred out, who answers the door at NXIVM headquarters, is believed to be James Del Negro].
Here is a link to a 30 second promotional of Dr. Oz. on NXIVM.
Here is a link to the Dr. Oz blog that describes the show:
The French website Medias Presse has an article, also out today, discussing the hypocrisy of feminists who decry other people’s sexual harassers but are silent on the people and ‘cults’ they know personally who harass women.
Sexual Harassment: Huffington Post, UNEF, Hollywood, “Feminists” Accompanying Pigs
Two more stories today: Odd Enough: What is NXIVM? Inside this sex slave cult with terrifying allegations of abuse Is NXIVM a Cult? What We Know
The Rolling Stone article is an excellent overview that should be helpful for people who have no previous knowledge of NXIVM.
An interesting quote from the article:
Alexandra Stein, who has a PhD in the sociology of cults and wrote a book called Terror, Love and Brainwashing, tells RS that NXIVM does, indeed, qualify as a cult, per her five-point definition: it has a charismatic, authoritarian leader; it’s “steeply hierarchical” in format, with possible front groups; it bears a “total, absolute ideology;” it uses coercive persuasion or brainwashing to isolate members from family; and it exploits followers and shows “potential for violence.”
“Cults come in all forms,” she explains. “Religious, political, self-help, therapy, sports/martial arts, commercial, business. If someone is promising you the world and starting to do [those] other things, beware.”
Medias Presse concludes their article {English translation] with some irony:
Hollywood The Weinstein affair has unmasked three leftists of the most beautiful water, who “knew”, but who closed their clamshell, as it was detrimental to the cause, moreover three anti-Trump hate animators known for their eternal lessons of ethics: Jane Seymour Fonda “feminist activist”, Mary Louise Streep, firm support of Hillary Diane Clinton (she also a great “feminist” protector of sexual harassers, when it’s not pedophiles …) and, cherry on the McDo ‘, Quentin Jerome Tarantino, donor of lessons between a thousand … But there is now a new name on the list of “balance your pork but do not touch my pig”: Allison Mack, number two of the NXIVM sect founded by Keith Raniere , but chaired by Nancy Salzman and funded by Sara and Clare Bronfman, sisters of film producer Edgar Miles Bronfman Jr. and daughters of the former head of the World Jewish Congress, Edgar Miles Bronfman Sr. This sect practices sexual slavery, including branding female followers. When feminists speak of “women’s rights”, they are no more credible than Bernard Madoff speaking of financial honesty or the good doctor Eufemiano Anti-Doping Fistings …
The comment ‘Balance Your Pork But Do not Touch My Pig’ refers to the hashtag ‘BALANCETONPORC” which denounces sexual harassers.
At least denounce the harassers who it is safe to denounce.

Dr. Oz