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By: Staff Reporter
Mayor Robert Restaino announces the continuation of the expedited process for local businesses to apply for temporary permits for outdoor seating/dining service. This expedited process was developed last year in response to the economic effects felt throughout the Niagara Falls community due to COVID-19 and increased reopening efforts by local government to support local businesses.
In addition to the expedited process, the City of Niagara Falls has waived most of the fees typically associated with obtaining a permit, reducing the cost of the application fee to only $10.00. “While we’re not out of the woods yet with COVID-19, my administration feels strongly about doing its part in helping local businesses in the reopening process,” said City of Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino. “We were able to minimize the cost of this application, as well as speeding up the process for receiving the permit. It is my hope that this will allow local business owners to use their outdoor spaces to increase dining and seating capacity consistent with NYS reopening guidelines.”
These applications are temporary outdoor seating permits that expire on November 30, 2021. This push for the expedited outdoor seating permits allows local businesses to increase dining and seating capacity while still falling within COVID-19 restrictions. Business owners with any questions about this application are urged to contact Mr. James Bragg, Department of Planning. He can be contacted at 716-286-4467.