Red Cross has significant need for type O negative blood Type O negative is often needed in trauma situations

The American Red Cross has a significant need for type O negative blood donors to donate blood for patients.

Type O negative blood can be transfused to patients with any blood type and is often used in emergency situations. While less than 7 percent of the U.S. population has type O negative blood, hospitals depend on frequent O negative donations to ensure it’s always available for patients in need.

Eligible donors with type O negative blood are encouraged to make a whole blood or double red cell donation, where available, through the Red Cross. During a double red cell donation, two units of red blood cells are collected while most of the plasma and platelets are returned to the donor.

“Type O negative donors are an important part of the Red Cross trauma team,” said Nick Gehrig, communications director, Red Cross Blood Services.  “While all blood types are needed, type O negative donations are necessary in emergency situations when there is no time to determine a patient’s blood type. Because there is such a high demand for type O negative blood, O negative donors are needed to donate often.”

Blood donation appointments can be quickly and easily scheduled by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

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