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Overtime Scandal at Niagara Falls Water Board
Ken Cosentino:
“Why is it that journalists have to take the lead on this? I truly hope that there’s an
investigation into this since it’s obviously been going on for quite some time.”
Xtian Printup:
“This is incredibly disgusting news. Kudos to the two gentlemen who have stepped in & started to right this rotten ship.”
Max Teller:
“This Water Board is truly amazing. No private business could ever get away with this crap.”
Scott Nassoiya:
“No wonder my water bill was so much…”
Chris Millette:
“Umm, 1.9 million is a LOT of money for 2 years!!!! Smh!!!!”
Michael Paul Reilly:
“The most Niagara Falls story ever.”
Craig Simpson:
“Where do I apply?”
MaryAnn Colangelo:
“Back in 2015 when all the water pipes were freezing a family member had no water for over a month. Despite their protests they still had to pay a minimum water bill despite having no water. They never came back to fix the line problem. Reading this and thinking about how they wouldn’t budge on that $25 bill sent to people who had no access to water makes me angry.”
Neil Livergood:
“There should be a criminal investigation started. If I were a Niagara Falls Resident I would contact the New York State Attorney General. If anyone submitted paperwork for overtime they didn’t work that is a crime. That is punishable whether they have retired or not. Your comments here will need to be followed up. You want to stop government corruption lodge a complaint not with City of Niagara Falls but with the state attorney general.”
Gary Broderick:
“Wow, way to screw Falls residents! Glad to see someone finally paying attention and putting a stop to it…”
Chuck Leone:
“Dude should be made to pay all that back or go to jail for theft.”
Geno Fucarino II:
“Past and present employee’s should be investigated and thrown in jail.”
Sal Bianco:
“No honor among thieves.”
Brock Christin Biro:
“NF corruption is real.”