People’s Voice Edition: Did You Know There was a School Candidates Debate?

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Marvin Crittenden Sr.: We need a better way to inform the parents. I didn’t know there was a vote.


Jen Capton: Where i lived in NV, you heard about a school board meeting before anything else. There were billboards out reminding people to vote. Radio ads, the campaigners sat outside stores to meet the voters. Prople here are complacent. Too many sheep in one spot creates a false sense of security.


Herb Lewis: The school district doesn’t do as good of a job as they could do. That’s been reflected in many items related to voting. This falls mainly on the sitting board members to ensure information is presented to the public so everyone is properly informed. About 6 years ago, the current athletic facilities we have was on the ballot for approval. Many voters were unaware that the money was coming for the state in the form of a grant & summarily, it was voted down. That’s a microcosm of our leadership on the board. The very fact that a sitting member decided not to attend the debate only furthers that point. Too many people have grown comfortable with their positions & don’t feel any additional pressure to perform, improve or raise the bar of expectations. Thus we have what we do.


Kevin Flynn: Board elections need to be moved to November. They do this on purpose.


Annette Lu Niagara Quaranto: More informing the public needs to be considered for a bigger turnout. Everyone is not on Facebook to see events.


Dana Calanan: Yes and even those of us who are on FB still may not see the event until it has passed.


Bruce Brewer: I’d rather have people who follow the issues vote. 1,600 informed votes are better than 35k that are not.




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