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“Patriot Flag” makes stop in Niagara Falls
Did you miss the opportunity to see this flag down by the falls on Friday May 25th, 2018?
This huge American Flag, called the “Patriot Flag,” made a stop in Niagara Falls yesterday morning, May 25th, 2018, on its cross-country tour of the United States.
Mitch Mendler, a San Diego Firefighter, is traveling to each State’s capital, as well as other points of interest, with the flag to hold ceremonies and take pictures.
The ceremonies are meant to celebrate “pride and patriotism” in our country.
At the end of the tour, the 50lbs 30 by 60-foot flag will be auctioned off to charity.
From his website:
“A TRIBUTE TO THE ARMED FORCES, FIRST RESPONDERS, SECOND RESPONDERS, THE 9/11 FAMILIES OF THE FALLEN OF THE ATTACKS ON AMERICA ON 09.11.01. And the Armed Forces of America that are preserving and have in the past, secured our freedom. And all of the Public Safety Personnel on the JOB today willing to make the supreme sacrifice for others.”