Paladino Leads Trump Brigade

Donald Trump and Carl Paladino

Donald Trump and Carl Paladino

The big political news this week, of course, was the nomination of New York billionaire Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for president at the GOP convention in Cleveland.

Prominent among the Trump supporters is Buffalo developer Carl Paladino, front and center in front of the podium at the head of the New York convention delegation and the leader of Trump’s campaign in the Empire State, meaning Carl will be traveling across the state trying to help Trump somehow win New York’s electoral votes over presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Now anyone who knows Carl knows that when he’s into something, there’s no holding back.  Whether it is fighting for what he believes is best for Buffalo’s children as a member of the Buffalo school board, or fighting corruption in government, Paladino is all in.  That mentality will certainly serve the Trump team well, even though Carl knows that, at times, he will have to check his sometimes all-or-nothing style at the door and help Trump cultivate an image that will attract voters who may be on the fence about his candidacy, especially women.  We reached out to Paladino this week, as the states were voting on the nominee, to give us some of what he was thinking as it was unfolding before him.  He took a moment to send the following message:

“We are watching history being made.  It’s the second American Revolution.  The American people will take back their government from the elitist, aristocratic, bureaucratic phonies in the Washington establishment.”

Now that’s the Carl Paladino that we know, blunt, outspoken, and hard-hitting.  I’m sure Trump is very glad that Carl is in his corner.

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