Uncategorized December 18, 2015 at 1:07 pm
The help wanted advertisement the Dyster administration ran in the Buffalo News and on a popular job seeking website in an apparent attempt to find a new city engineer contained a link to the city’s own website, niagarafallsusa.org. Potential city engineers were directed to the website where, it was promised,Read More
Uncategorized December 18, 2015 at 1:06 pm
Wm. Keith McNall will be the first post-Bill Ross chairman of the Niagara County Legislature. That move—rumored in local media for several days—became reality Tuesday night as members of the Legislature’s Majority Caucus—which controls three-quarters of the seats in that body—formally elected the Lockport Republican to succeed the long-tenured Ross.Read More
Uncategorized December 18, 2015 at 12:00 pm
For $325 a month and a $100 deposit, a man can get a 14’ x 8’ single occupancy room, with a built in dresser and a wardrobe closet, in the heart of downtown Niagara Falls, just steps away from the public library and Harry F. Abate Elementary School. He’d haveRead More
Uncategorized December 18, 2015 at 12:28 am
Two weeks ago the Reporter went on record with an editorial recommending that two term councilwoman Kristen Grandinetti be elected council chairwoman for 2016. We had no idea our editorial would cause a stir and set people howling at the notion that we’d seriously promote Kristen for the top councilRead More
Uncategorized November 27, 2015 at 6:26 pm
This is another installment of a series where I am the journalist covering my own federal indictment on- 19 criminal counts. Last week I wrote about cult leader Keith Raniere and the two women who fund and empower him – Seagram heiresses, Clare and Sara Bronfman. The trio had aRead More
Uncategorized January 28, 2015 at 11:51 pm
The long-awaited state audit of Erie Community College (ECC) has now been released and it confirms much of what we have reported over the last several months about the management problems at the college that many have suggested have contributed to the institution’s current financial crisis that has resultedRead More
Uncategorized January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am
One-time Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill had a favorite saying when he had to accede anything of legislative significance to the Reagan administration, which was not infrequently, given the political skills of “the Gipper”. “You know,” O’Neill would say, “the Irish gave the Scottish the bagpipes as a joke,Read More