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Elusive City Engineer Job Description Absent From City’s Official Website

Uncategorized December 18, 2015 at 1:07 pm

The help wanted advertisement the Dyster administration ran in the Buffalo News and on a popular job seeking website in an apparent attempt to find a new city engineer contained a link to the city’s own website, Potential city engineers were directed to the website where, it was promised,Read More

McNall Will Be New Chairman Of Niagara Co. Legislature

McNall Will Be New Chairman Of Niagara Co. Legislature

Uncategorized December 18, 2015 at 1:06 pm

Wm. Keith McNall will be the first post-Bill Ross chairman of the Niagara County Legislature. That move—rumored in local media for several days—became reality Tuesday night as members of the Legislature’s Majority Caucus—which controls three-quarters of the seats in that body—formally elected the Lockport Republican to succeed the long-tenured Ross.Read More

Religious Organization Takes Big Role In New Look Niagara Falls Economy

Religious Organization Takes Big Role In New Look Niagara Falls Economy

Uncategorized December 18, 2015 at 12:00 pm

For $325 a month and a $100 deposit, a man can get a 14’ x 8’ single occupancy room, with a built in dresser and a wardrobe closet, in the heart of downtown Niagara Falls, just steps away from the public library and Harry F. Abate Elementary School. He’d haveRead More

Is There a Conspiracy to Stop Kristen Grandinetti From Becoming Chairwoman?

Is There a Conspiracy to Stop Kristen Grandinetti From Becoming Chairwoman?

Uncategorized December 18, 2015 at 12:28 am

Two weeks ago the Reporter went on record with an editorial recommending that two term councilwoman Kristen Grandinetti be elected council chairwoman for 2016. We had no idea our editorial would cause a stir and set people howling at the notion that we’d seriously promote Kristen for the top councilRead More



NXIVM December 17, 2015 at 8:55 pm

> BY FRANK PARLATO It’s worth noting that well before I was hired as a consultant at NXIVM in 2007, the two Seagram heiresses, Clare and Sarah Bronfman lost a staggering amount of money. In 2002, after joining the “self-help” company NXIVM, which critics call a cult, the Bronfman sistersRead More

Keith Raniere, leader of the Cult of NXIVM, has a stunning, philosophical epiphany.


NXIVM December 10, 2015 at 8:51 pm

BY FRANK PARLATO Thanks to the recommendation of my friend, G. Steven Pigeon, and following an interview in Albany, I began work for the self-help group NXIVM (pronounced Nexium). NXIVM is a New York for-profit corporation, headed by the self-proclaimed spiritually advanced genius and teacher Keith Raniere and his chiefRead More



NXIVM December 3, 2015 at 8:47 pm

Keith Raniere, self-proclaimed smartest man in the world and spiritually evolved guru > BY FRANK PARLATO I lived and worked with NXIVM for several months as their round-the-clock consultant, staying in their properties and communicating closely day and night with their top officials. That included leaders Keith Raniere, hypnotist and presidentRead More

From the Vanity Fair Magazine, November 2010, Sara Bronfman (left), Clare Bronfman (right)

The Bronfman/Raniere Cult Demands Investigation

Uncategorized November 27, 2015 at 6:26 pm

This is another installment of a series where I am the journalist covering my own federal indictment on- 19 criminal counts. Last week I wrote about cult leader Keith Raniere and the two women who fund and empower him – Seagram heiresses, Clare and Sara Bronfman. The trio had aRead More



NXIVM November 26, 2015 at 8:34 pm

This newspaper will continue to do it and encourage the Feds to join in BY FRANK PARLATO   This is another installment of a series where I am a journalist covering my own federal indictment on 19 criminal counts. Last week I wrote about cult leader Keith Raniere and theRead More

Keith Raniere’s work includes keeping a harem who may dedicate their entire lives to his teachings.


NXIVM November 19, 2015 at 8:00 pm

BY FRANK PARLATO The federal government is actively investigating whether the Bronfmans are my victims. But they are the ones who should be investigated since there are many victims – including myself – of the Bronfman sisters and the man who leads them, Keith Raniere.Clare and Sara Bronfman, heirs toRead More

Target and Journalist

Target and Journalist

NXIVM November 12, 2015 at 7:57 pm

Parlato to have dual role in investigation BY FRANK PARLATO As a newspaper editor and publisher I have always insisted on transparency of government, and the transparency of private individuals dealing with government. I have reported on these matters whenever I could with the depth that I could. The BuffaloRead More

ECC President Jack Quinn
...under fire in state audit

Scathing State Audit Hits ECC’s Lax Control Environment2

Uncategorized January 28, 2015 at 11:51 pm

  The long-awaited state audit of Erie Community College (ECC) has now been released and it confirms much of what we have reported over the last several months about the management problems at the college that many have suggested have contributed to the institution’s current financial crisis that has resultedRead More

Train Station and Wallenda – same old, same old

Train Station and Wallenda – same old, same old

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

Train station The Niagara Falls Reporter has been pointing out for the past four years that the train station has yet to find an operating budget. The Reporter also wrote not too long ago that the residents should look for US Sen. Charles Schumer to come to the rescue withRead More

In Niagara Falls, home of big government  the rich get richer while the poor get poorer

In Niagara Falls, home of big government the rich get richer while the poor get poorer

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

    Bad luck comes in threes, they say, and for residents of Niagara Falls this cliché has been visited with a vengeance. The perennially cash strapped city has both the highest crime rate and the highest taxes per capita of any municipality in New York State, and is runRead More

Obama, Cuomo, Dyster join forces  to make transparency more blurry   

Obama, Cuomo, Dyster join forces to make transparency more blurry  

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

  Aside from the fact that they all happen to be Democrats, President Barack Obama, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Paul Dyster all have another trait in common – The belief that they can punish members of the press and the news organizations they work for by freezing them out,Read More

Dyster, City Council pleased with “Public Art,” Especially when it’s at “Public Expense”

Dyster, City Council pleased with “Public Art,” Especially when it’s at “Public Expense”

Uncategorized January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

One-time Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill had a favorite saying when he had to accede anything of legislative significance to the Reagan administration, which was not infrequently, given the political skills of “the Gipper”.   “You know,” O’Neill would say, “the Irish gave the Scottish the bagpipes as a joke,Read More

Grandinetti defends her mayor by targeting “disloyal, disruptive, unproductive” employees for removal

Grandinetti defends her mayor by targeting “disloyal, disruptive, unproductive” employees for removal

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

Goodness gracious what was councilwoman Kristen Grandinetti thinking as she put pen to paper, or cursor to screen, to write her Gazette January http://southbuffalonews.com, guest view titled, “The resumes are in”? The column heartily defended Mayor Dyster’s pre-Christmas call for a review of department head resumes. Dyster’s demand for hisRead More

Membership Set For CO. Manager Search; Sources Say Updegrove may be offered position

Membership Set For CO. Manager Search; Sources Say Updegrove may be offered position

Niagara County January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

LOCKPORT— Niagara County is looking for a new county manager to replace Jeffrey Glatz who handed in his resignation recently and will retire shortly. As long ago as late Spring last year there were rumblings about 20http://southbuffalonews.com5 being Glatz’s final year with the county. Now the membership of the NiagaraRead More

Websites ranks Niagara Falls third worst– but that’s their opinion

Websites ranks Niagara Falls third worst– but that’s their opinion

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

These days every other website is doing rankings. And website ranking opinions are like certain anatomical parts – everybody has one or two of them. So this website called Road Snacks decides to rank cities in New York State and using their yardstick – Niagara Falls is the third worstRead More

Tompkins explains position on ending council health insurance and his decision to accept health insurance

Tompkins explains position on ending council health insurance and his decision to accept health insurance

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

By Ken Tompkins During my campaign, I focused on ways in which to reduce the city’s financial footprint and save tax payers’ money. One way was to reduce or eliminate the health care benefits and insurance opt-out payments for part-time elected officials and part-time political appointees (like the civil serviceRead More

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