Ortt Challenges Cuomo on Nursing Home Death Investigation

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New York State Senator Rob Ortt.


By: Reporter Staff

The highest-ranking member of the GOP, New York Senator Rob Ortt, released the following statement on Coronavirus-related nursing home deaths.

“For months, state Senate Republicans have demanded an independent investigation into the impact of the state’s actions in these facilities, and the majority of Democrats remained silent. Democrats had the ability to use the full power of the Senate by sending subpoenas to the Cuomo administration and Department of Health officials, yet failed to do so.

This should have been a bi-partisan effort, but instead, it’s turned into a Democrat sham and cover-up for the Cuomo administration. To allow the DOH to present a Cuomo-style PowerPoint and then leave before all questions were answered was an embarrassment. To not stand up and use full subpoena power now tells New Yorkers that this was simply a check-the-box hearing.”



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